Well hello long weekend and good bye summer…in the meteorlogical sense anyway. Before the calendar flips over to September it’s time to open the runfessional to vent all our summer transgressions.
Let’s get to the Runfessions, shall we?
A couple of weeks ago while out running, wearing my World Marathon Majors visor, a guy stopped me and asked me if I worked for Abbott, the WMM sponsor. I runfess I might have been eager to talk about my adventures completing all 6 World Marathon Majors. Alas he had other ideas. He basically chewed my ear off about his 20+ year career at Abbott.
Camo leggings making a cameo appearance in one of my coaching videos. Would you buy them used for $500??
The other day I returned home from the gym, went about emptying my gym bag and realized the bag with my sweaty gym clothes was not in it. Panic set in. My much-adored Athleta Camo leggings were in there. Images of sweaty-workout-clothes burglars danced in my head. Who would do such a thing? I mean grossss! I beelined back to the gym where I runfess I found my bag of sweaty gym clothes still lying on the floor next to the locker. Apparently my sweaty camo tights are not the hot commodity I thought they were. But then I found someone in search of the very same Athleta leggings willing to pay $500 for them on Poshmark. Can you imagine?
I runfess I thought I’d heard all the “how long is your marathon” comments by now but recently I heard another and I swear to you they never get less entertaining. I overheard a bunch of women trying to convince a friend to run a 10k. The woman said “Oh I’m so not ready for the 10k. I haven’t trained at all. Put me down for the half”.
2018 Seawheeze medal was spectacular. This year? Umm…..
I runfess my left brain tries in vain to make sense of Lululemon’s race medals, but there seems to be no rhyme or reason. Sometimes (like last year, above) they are incredible. And others?
Photo courtesy of Raingrande.com
Welllll I’m not entirely sure. Is this year’s medal supposed to be S and W in negative space? Are you supposed to spin it for it to make sense? Inquiring minds wanna know! I know I’m superficial but I runfess I’m very happy to have last years medal.
Potpourri? Or trail mix? You be the judge.
It is no secret the Caveman has a maddening attraction to all running/blog related snacks, fuel and supplements that enter our home. The time comes to mind when he devoured an entire, 24-packet case of Salted Caramel GU sent to me for review as, in his words “fuel for weight lifting”. I bought him his own case of Matcha Bites and the nut butter I posted about here, was 7/8 gone by the time I took the pics. The other day, because, you know…fall…I left a fresh, unopened bag of pumpkin-vanilla potpourri on the kitchen counter. I runfess I was the tiniest bit (ok more than that) entertained when I caught him in the act of absconding with it. In his own words. “I thought it was some kind of trail mix.” Maybe I should have let him try a handful.
What have you to runfess? Are you excited for fall? Lulu’s medal: Yay or nay?
Ain’t nobody got time to hear about that guy’s 20+ year career at Abbott when you ran the World’s Majors! Come on!
I like last year’s Lulu’s medal, but this years? Not so much!
Thanks for the linkup!
OMG the potpourri! Many years ago, I had a bowl sitting on my coffee table. My FIL started scooping up a handful, thinking it was snack mix. We stopped him just in time!
That Lulu medal could not compare to the one you got! I swear you have a lucky star…
Great to see you today! ❤️
WoW…those two medals…are they from the same event (but obviously different years)? Night and day. I don’t know if you’ve seen the Route 66 medals…they’re usually pretty cool, resembling vehicle “ornaments.” I ran the marathon in 2016, and the medals were awesome…ever since, they’ve been kind of lack-luster. Guess I got lucky, like you 😉 Glad the missing gym clothes were found 😉
I’m laughing so hard about the potpourri! Looks like it has A LOT of fiber – LOL
I don’t care about medals, but that one is kind of “meh.”
I think you should sell those leggings STAT. Just saying!
I runfess that last little bit about your husband made me laugh harder than it should have. 😂 I bought a case of matcha bites and we’ve not had two packs out of it. Odd how that happens!
Boy, he must have been very bitter about Abbot! Did you tell him that running s marathon is the best revenge? 😉
LOL on DH and the “trail mix”. My husband is wary of any “healthy” food in the house.
You got the best SeaWheeze medal. I’d be bummed about this year’s.
I guess you were lucky you did Seawheeze when you did! Last year’s medal was stunning. This year’s looks cheap.
I love all things camo. But $500? I could buy a lot of Skirt Sports for that. 😉
I left my thermos at my WW meeting yesterday. I realized it when I was driving away. I’ve almost done it many times. Luckily my friend noticed it & picked it up for me.
The potpourri story is priceless. Maybe your hubby has now learned his lesson! 🙂 I runfess I left my sweaty running clothes in a locker at the gym on Monday. I realized it as soon as I got home, but I wanted to have breakfast before driving back into town to retrieve them. I forgot all about them, but they were still in the same locker on Wednesday when I went back to take a Body Pump class. Whew! That locker was fragrant!
I just literally laughed out loud about the trail mix/potpourri story – thank goodness he didn’t open it and try to eat it!
That’s so bizarre about the leggings being sold on Poshmark for $500! Although I did see a story this week about someone that posted the new Popeye’s chicken sandwich on eBay for $500, so I guess people will really post anything online.
Ha I love this – I’ll just run the half – and the pot pourri. Thank you for being so cheering!
Omg your husband and the trail mix ! Too funny at lest he would smelled nice! My hubs won’t try anything that could by accident be healthy 😂. Glad you found your fave tights. I’m amazed at some of the prices on Poshmark but I have sold a bunch on there too. Thanks for the linkup!
$500 for leggings?! Wow! I agree, your 2018 Seawheeze medal is much nicer than this year’s design; I’d be a little disappointed!
LOL at your husband trying to run off with the potpourri! And wow, you should totally sell your leggings. Just think of all the awesome things you could do with that money.
I’m with you on the medal. I would have been a bit upset if I won the lottery and got that medal when last year’s medal was so pretty! I normally don’t care but it’s Lululemon for goodness sake!
Oh boy, your husband sounds like a funny guy. I would definitely have to hide my snacks and potpourri if my husband was the same way.
That 10k comment cracked me up! I wish I saw her face when she found out a half was actually longer haha. I’ve left things at my gym countless times, but luckily it’s small enough that I never have to worry about someone taking them – I just worry that someone realizes the sweaty smelly clothes are mine and then thinks of me like that!
OMG, my great aunt ate potpourri once upon a time! She didn’t even realize! That’s hilarious!
We are on hurricane watch, so not going to be too much of an exciting weekend on this end. Just prepping for the inevitable. :/
Too funny about your husband and the potpourri! Good thing he didn’t actually eat any of it!
How crazy about the $500 price tag on Poshmark?!? And, what’s crazier is the fact that those leggings will probably sell!
Oh yes, I can imagine how interesting can be his story of 20 years at Abbott!
10 K and half: very funny.
Poor hubby….. he is your official taster. With his help you can understand if a food is healthy.
Some of the medals just make me shake my head. Granted, mine have been in a heap since the holder fell off the walll so maybe I’m not the best judge. Glad you were able to find your clothes – I hate losing favorites.
Stupid people hurt
Squeaking in with my runfession this month…I should add this runfession that I am a total Medal Junkie! The type of medal a race has is usually enough to get me to run it. I would have been way disappointed with the Seawheeze medal! I would not have been disappointed if my hubby ate potpourri – some lessons are less delicious to learn than others! 😂