It’s time once again to open the Runfessional and air out all that dirty, hot, summer running laundry. Let’s get started, shall we?
I had the best of intentions to stay very active while in Atlanta for college orientation with my daughter. While I got plenty of steps traipsing all over campus, I runfess I did not workout one single time. Blame it on the heat, a packed schedule, being exhausted the ONE evening I had free, whatever. Workouts in Atlanta = Zip.
These boots were made for swimming…apparently
I runfess I have no idea how so many people at the gym are able to walk around the locker room, sauna, steam room, and pool deck barefoot. It’s almost as if they WANT a foot fungus. Grosss! But then I saw these out at the pool. I’m so confused.
Is this the dirty bird??
I spend as much time as possible out on our deck aka my “sanctuary” in the non-winter months. I’ve pimped out the surroundings with wind chimes, birdhouses, a hummingbird feeder and a couple of birdbaths, which delights me when birds actually use them. I change the water daily both for the birds’ enjoyment and to eliminate any breeding ground for mosquitoes. I runfess, however, that I am shocked by how dirty the water gets in just ONE day. Apparently there are some very dirty birds in town.
Every morning Ozzy and I embark on a 1-2 mile run/walk. Everyday we cross this little bridge over some pretty swampy-looking water. All summer it’s been looking more and more rickety. I wondered when someone might close it for repair. Until then, we gingerly crossed it. Finally one day it was roped off with fluorescent tape, so we went back the way we came. A few days later, the tape had been removed and tossed aside, even though no repairs had been made. The bridge is sloping closer and closer to the water. Boards are loose….and I runfess Ozzy and I ….daredevils that we are….continue to press our luck and cross it.
I runfess I’m having some Lululemon Seawheeze FOMO. That course through Stanley Park in Vancouver is the most beautiful half marathon course I’ve ever run. I’d do it again in a heartbeat….if it weren’t for the fact that they moved the date to conflict with college move-in. There’s a virtual option but if I can’t run on that course, what’s the point?
What have you to runfess? Would you tempt fate and cross the bridge? Have you been to Vancouver? Would you run Seawheeze virtually?
I’m linking up with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
I’m not much of a virtual race runner, unless it supports a cause for a charity or philanthropic endeavor…so I’d pass on the Seawheeze, too. I’d probably take my chances crossing the rickety bridge id the water was shallow beneath it. Glad you had a fun (though very busy) time in Atlanta!
The boots are just too much! I mean, what? And people are so disgusting in gym locker rooms and nothing ceases to amaze me after about 20 years of being in them. So gross. If I forgot my flip flops, I would not shower and just go home!!
Be careful on that bridge!! OMG it looks pretty close to collapsing. And I saw that virtual option for Seawheeze too and asked myself the same question – what’s the point??
Good luck with the move in!!
Sure. Live dangerously. Cross that bridge.
Nope. Not a big virtual run fan. But I have done the Zooma ones when I was an ambassador.
Glad you enjoyed the college experience. I see Atlanta races in your future.
I went to Vancouver two years ago after my Alaska cruise. I remember going to Stanley Park but other than that don’t remember too much about it.
I don’t think I would have crossed that bridge. I would be afraid it would break.
I am going to Atlanta next year for the Publix Half Marathon. Oh, and to spectate the Olympic Trials too.
No way, Marcia! Stay off that bridge! That’s an order. 😉
I did Seawheeze twice and I love Vancouver but I don’t have too much FOMO about it. I don’t love the Lululemon-y ness of the race if that makes sense. Probably not, but it’s more of a purist runner thing for me, I guess. I like my races a bit grittier. LOL
Can’t wait to spend next weekend with you at camp!!
Sometimes it’s just too hard to fit in a workout when you travel. Looks like you had enough to do anyway!
At least your rickety bridge is a footbridge. I’m not confident the memorial bridge is sturdy anymore and I drive over it twice a day. It’s disconcerting to look over and see nothing where they are replacing sections!
My work computer systems are blocking your site – it started a few weeks ago — so I have to runfess by phone!
i have lululmeon Seawheeze Fomo too. I really wanted to do it this year but changing the date to August does not work for me. Fingers crossed they change it back for next year. Not sure how I feel about the virtual one
I have trouble keeping a good exercise schedule when I travel too. This is not good, because I am leaving today and won’t be home for 3 weeks! 10 days with Oldest son in Colorado and 10 with middle in Oregon. I know I can run in OR, but there is so little air in CO. Makes it tough to run!
I’m totally with you on the foot fungus thing. I have to wear flip flops in the locker room and beside the pool. My hubby asked me one time why I must wash my towel every time I use it at the gym. I stand on it after the shower, of course! Not sure about those swimming boots. It seems like not-ideal footwear for a pool.
I am not into virtual races at all. Of course, I’ve never actually done one, but it just doesn’t appeal to me. No race day atmosphere.
I wonder about bridges sometimes when they don’t look bad! And especially if the water underneath is icky.
The birds have been following Mr. Judy around when he waters plants outside. But we don’t have any bird baths. Because I know you have to take care of them, and I pretty sure I wouldn’t.
I wouldn’t do that virtual race just because I don’t need more bling. I’m to get it from a real race, tho!
Those boots aren’t made for walkin’, that’s for sure!
I haven’t tried my luck with Seawheeze because I don’t have a passport. Super lame reason but it is what it is lol. Don’t feel bad for not working out in Atlanta, you were busy! Also, that bridge. I feel like my pup and I would do the same thing. Just be daredevils! 🙂
Gosh, I walk everywhere barefoot. But I won’t get a pedicure because of the what ifs of fungus LOL. Clearly, I’ve lost my mind!
Atlanta has been hotter than hot! I don’t blame you for not having any mojo.
I have never been to Vancouver and would love to do Seawheeze, but I don’t think I would do it virtually. I’m good for a virtual pug rescue run but for an experience like that? I want to be there in the flesh. I get the FOMO though.
I don’t really do the virtual races unless they’re for charity. Otherwise it seems silly to spend when I can run for free.
I’m with you on barefoot. It’ just grosses me out even though the gym is clean. The boots are a step too far though!
Boots at the pool?! What is that about?!
I’m not much for virtual races so I think I’d take a pass, but I’d love to run Seawheeze in person!
I don’t blame you on no workouts in Atlanta – you had a full schedule! Hope your daughter has a great school year!
Yikes that bridge! I wonder where the warning tape went? I’ve never done Seawheeze but I’ve heard it’s fun, although I am not much of a virtual racer either.
In my garden I have birds baths, food and nests for them. They pay the fee with their nice songs in early morning.
The bridge is scary, better not to run on it.
A virtual race could be interesting, for example among all the bloggers. Or a workout on the same day, on the same distance, posting the pics of the route and the runners.
I would not run across that bridge!!!
Atlanta IS hot and very humid so I don’t blame you for that runfession!
Kudos to your bravery with the bridge. I prefer flat since I have this fear of falling – maybe that’s why I haven’t yet ventured into trail running?
I’m linking to your runfessions for the first time. Hopefully next time I’ll have more juicy bits to runfess!
When are the days when you do the Runfessions? I always miss it, it seems lol