Happy Mother’s Day! I’m still in post-London Marathon recovery mode but overall? I’m feeling pretty darn great. 8 hours on a plane the day after a marathon is no picnic, but other than that, I feel like my body is less beat up than it was after running Tokyo. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 2 mile run, lower body strength
Wednesday: 1 hour spin class (say what??)
Thursday: 3 mile run, upper body strength + core
Friday: Yardwork. Oh hell yeah, it’s a workout
Saturday: Run 5 miles + more yardwork
Sunday: CrossFit
Can you spot the Ozzy dog?
I caught a post-marathon cold that put an end to an over 3 year wellness streak. Sigh. While the cold was a mild one, the residual chest congestion that continues to linger is a nuisance. Hacking cough anyone?
On the home front, the week was chaotic. I felt like I was going 100 miles a minute. The end of the school year will do that, I guess.
Senioritis is fierce. The cap and gown is in the house. So are 8 graduation tickets. I swear didn’t I JUST drop her off at preschool like 2 weeks ago??
We’re in the midst of AP exams: 3 down 2 to go.
Falling short of a state qualifier by a 1/2″ broke her heart. I runfess I’m relieved we don’t have to make the trek to state.
High school track sectionals took place. Standing out in the cold wind for 5 hours isn’t my favorite. Track season is officially over though. Thing one had a great year. All that’s left is the year-end banquet.
(Google images)
I’m scrambling with graduation party plans, as I watch it rain day after day and wonder how the heck I’m going to have 50+ people in a tent in my soaking wet yard.
On top of it all, it was a single parenting week. This week will be as well. The Caveman was in Vegas at a conference last week when he called me with this:
“I’m on my way to the hospital. Remember Bill? (not his real name)
“He was sitting talking to me one minute and the next minute he slumped over then seized up so I called 911. We moved him to the floor and did chest compressions on him until the paramedics got here. They were shocking his heart. I’m not sure he’s gonna make it.
To make a long story short, Bill didn’t make it. He was 47 years old with no medical history that could’ve predicted such a sudden and grave outcome. He leaves behind a wife and 6 kids, the youngest of which is 3. There’s that reminder again. Life is precious and fleeting. Live it to the fullest every day and don’t sweat the small stuff.
So I’ll stop for a minute, catch my breath and not wish time away. Life is busy but life is GOOD.
The Week Ahead
This week we’ve got the final band concert of the school year as well as the band party, at which I broke my pact with myself and volunteered to help out.
Thing 2’s flute recital prep is ongoing. She’s thrilled for the opportunity to play the Alto Flute in one of the numbers. Who knew there were such things as Alto and Bass Flutes? Not I.
I’m gearing up to send Thing 2 off to music camp this summer. Omg so many uniforms to buy, meals and “treats” to order, permission slips to wade through and due dates to manage. Why can’t this all be simpler?
Dentist appointment. Go me.
Let’s just say running is very much on the back burner right now and I’ll fit it in where/when I can.
This convo from 2013 came up on my FB feed:
This year he was a little sweeter, maybe because he’ll be travelling to a funeral on Mother’s Day.
How was your week? Does May bring chaos? How did you celebrate Mother’s Day?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Happy Mother’s Day Marcia!
Sorry to hear that you weren’t feeling well this past week and I’m sure all the crazy weather and rain didn’t help at all.
Wow , I’m so sorry to hear about your husbands friend. That’s both tragic and absolutely shocking, considering his age and no prior medical history. Sending prayers to his family. Life is so short. We have to remember to appreciate each and every day!
I always think i am going to catch something on a long flight. I feel like you cannot get away from the germs on planes. This time of the year is always so busy! Hang in there it flies by! Happy mother’s day!
It’s Mayhem! Actually, this year was a little less chaotic since we have no one in school (unless you count college). It’s weird. How sad about your hubs co-worker. I always ask about sudden cardiac death when I’m doing sports physicals and if it is in the family history, the kid gets a trip to the cardiologist. I don’t mess around with that.
Looking forward to lunch! And Happy Mother’s Day!
I had to laugh at your comments about yard work, because YES, it IS hard work..I d on’t get how people scoff at it. Ironically, we just had First Aid/CPR training at work this week, and those chest compressions are something I practiced on dear Annie Thursday morning.So sorry on the loss of your hubby’s friend. Life is too short; it’s best to not take anything for granted.
Oh yes, MAYhem is in full effect around here too!
Sorry about the cold – the hacking cough is the worse! Hope it passes quickly!
And, so sad about your husband’s co-worker…definitely another reminder to not take any of this for granted.
Happy Mother’s Day Marcia!
Oh man. I’m so sorry about your husband’s coworker. How traumatic for him. Life is definitely too short. I hope the rain stays away for graduation. That’s one of my biggest fears anytime I plan a gathering – rain! What do you do with all the people?!?!
Post-marathon and a long flight – no wonder your immune system met its match. Glad you are on the mend. I’m so sorry about “Bill” — 47 is so young! So tragic for his family. I hope you make it through the rest of your May-hem. Is graduation in May or June there?
What? That is your recovery week? YES, yardwork is a workout.
So sorry to hear about the sudden death of your husband’s colleague. That is a shocker! It does remind us to enjoy every day, not take anything for granted, and hug your loved ones a little bit tighter whenever you get the chance!
We had a party a week ago and I was worried about rain too with about 50 people congregated in my back yard and deck. The rain held off until just the right time. The thundershowers helped chase lingerers when it was time to go home!
Wow, you’ve certainly been go-go-go! Sorry to hear about your husband’s friend – life is precious and too short. I hope the rain stay away for you and that things can calm down. At least you’ve gotten your marathons out of the way and don’t have to try to juggle high mileage as well!
Sorry to hear about your husband’s friend. So young!
We graduated college one year on mother’s day – I don’t think I’ll ever top that as a gift.
I hope you had a great mother’s day!
That is terrible about your husband’s friend. Yes, life is short and precious and many times we tend to forget it.
I hope the weather clears up and you have a nice day for the graduation party. My sister is coming in with my nephew to visit from Texas and she is also having a party for him too.
OMG I cannot believe that poor man just died like that!? That is terrifying and also why I live like you do – to the fullest because you just never know. My heart goes out to his family and that could not have been easy for your husband either!! Just pile it all on, right?
Hope you make it though the week with EVERYTHING you have going on! I’m grateful my kids are still young and I had them signed up for summer camp weeks ago. whew!
Sorry about your husbands friend. My husband had to perform CPR on a coworker who didn’t make it also. He was traumatized. I’m an ER nurse and have never done CPR outside my work setting. Thankfully.
Life is short.
I’m getting a little choked up here because my daughter is a sophomore in high school and I think time is flying by. Next year I’ll have two in high school, and next thing you know I’ll be going to her last track meet and band concert too! 🙁 I totally get the comment about standing around for 5 hours outside… the meets are always cold and windy around here too! It makes me appreciate cross country season so much.
Shocking about your husband’s friend. Life is so precious.
That really is so shocking about your husband’s colleague. It seems we are at that age when early deaths arrive. 🙁
I did know about the flutes, as I was a flute player through college (who also spent several years at music camp). I still have my flute but it has not been touched for years.OTOH one of my friends here, who is older than me, still plays hers.
Good luck with everything! Sending you some dry vibes, although it’s so wet here not sure they’ll survive, frankly.
I frequently get really run down and achy it seems — well, a few times a year — but am rarely actually sick (despite the most recent illnesses). As a kid I was plagued with many colds, but as an adult I rarely get them (knocks on wood, please no colds after running in that cold rain) — I am much more likely to run a fever. Weird. Dunno if they tested me for Lyme at the hospital.
I’m sorry your daughter didn’t make it to state (even if it would have complicated your life); I’m sure it’s still hard on her!
i’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. It’s a terrible reminder that life is short.
You must be incredibly excited for the graduation and festivities! It’s such a great milestone and time of celebration!
May is a bit chaotic for us. Little man’s birthday is April 29, mine is May 9 and then it’s Mother’s Day. Our schools also let out in May so this month is just a complete whirlwind of events, field trips and performances. It’s all good.
Mother’s Day was a bit off this year – the whole week has been. My grandfather went into hospice on my birthday and passed on Mother’s Day. Not the happiest time, I’m afraid 🙁
Happy Mother’s Day! Man, the long jump looks like such a tough event! Kudos to your daughter.
I somehow missed your London recap and am catching up tonight!
Mother’s Day ended at Lululemon hahahahaa. Sounds like something my other half would say!
Sometimes life gets in the way of running and that’s ok. You’ve had a stellar spring season and deserve a rest!
Sad about your husband’s colleague.
Enjoy the celebrations for the graduation but ….. keep on running!
A belated Happy Mother’s Day to you! It must feel so amazing to be done with the Majors and just be able to relax and coast through the rest of your running goals!