Spring break! Oh how I need you. Oh how I longed for you all winter. But time and runfessions wait for no one. Spring break or not, the runfessions must go on! Let’s get started.
I runfess I had a celebrity sighting. Do you recognize her? She’s my girl crush.
After we landed at Narita airport in Japan, I stood with our bags while Thing 2 made a quick stop at the ladies’ room. While I stood sentry over the bags, a racing wheelchair with an American flag on it whizzed by. I runfess I gasped “Tatyana McFadden! under my breath as I sprinted after her while groping for my phone. Lucky for me (and her) I came to my senses and retreated to our luggage pile before she noticed me. TMcF is the ultimate racing badass in my book.
I runfess when I got to those final brutal miles of the Tokyo Marathon, I started telling myself, like I always do, that I never have to run another marathon….and then I quickly retracted that self-talk because it’s not true. London Marathon in 29 days. Why do I do this again?
Once the London Marathon is done and dusted, I runfess I’m entertaining the thought of taking the summer off from training. Not sure what that might mean for any fall racing I might do but the thought of not having to train has incredible appeal right now.
I was watching Athleta’s Insta stories recently and they showed clips from a behind-the-scenes photo shoot for one of their catalogs. I runfess I was a little put-off when the runner/model said “today we’re going to be runners”. I mean I know companies like Athleta use fitness models all the time but really? Having her say she was “going to be a runner” was weird. And fake. It kind of ruined it for me. Wouldn’t you rather see “real” runners? I suppose if she said “today we’re going running” I’d feel differently.
Speaking of Athleta, I runfess that I love having two active teenage daughters. However, going into an Athleta store with them in tow is nothing short of craziness. I might as well just open my wallet and shake it out all over the floor…then take out a second mortgage.
I runfess that I don’t understand personal trainers lately. When I’m paying good money for a training session I expect it to be all about MY WORKOUT. Is that selfish? When I’m at the gym I hear trainers gossiping with their clients, bitching about relationships, you name it. Last week took the cake though. The guy next to me was doing some incline shoulder presses as his trainer told him and I quote: “something you may not know about me is I have insatiable sexual desires. When I see a fair maiden I can barely control myself.” Um…more than I wanted to know. Way more. Now I’m queasy.
Alrighty your turn: What have you to runfess?
EEEWWWWW! That trainer has to go (I know he’s not your trainer, but really…what an idiot). I know that feeling when the big race ends (in your case, the second big race) and it feels so liberating to NOT have to run at all. Of course, we get back outside and run anyways…just not as fast or as far (until the next race entices us LOL). I runfess, our spring break came at the perfect time. I kissed dear Milly goodbye and have not talked to her since 😉
Great runfressions!! Im happy to get some speed back
I am not at all sad to not be training right now. There is a time for everything, as they say.
I wait for sales at Athleta. And then for a discount on top of the sale. Luckily I don’t have teenage daughters!
When they put that medal around your neck you’ll know why you did it & it will be worthwhile. 😊
Ok, ick. If Sammy Jo said anything like that, I’d probably drop the heavy weights she makes me lift right on her foot. Gaaack!
That comment is so gross! What a stud. [not] I do love the Athleta stuff I have, but there’s been a lot of times they don’t have anything I like — sometimes their colors/patterns are dead on and sometimes they are meh. I did just get their Sculptek jeans though. #winning.
ew, ew, and double ew. I can’t believe that guy said that out loud! Super gross!
I don’t even know what to say about that trainer….just no!
How cool to have seen Tatyana – she is quite simply amazing!
I know the damage I can potentially do in Athleta by myself…I can only imagine braving it with a couple of teenagers! LOL!
Okay so that comment by the trainer….WTF?? That is so gross and completely inappropriate. i really think people are losing their grip on social etiquette, lol.
that was quite a celebrity sighting! I remember seeing Tatyana McFadden when I volunteered for NYCM a few years ago. I was stationed at Mile 18 and we had to get there in the morning which meant we were able to see all the wheelchair athletes zoom by – it was quite the rush!
I think I’m more excited about your London Marathon than I am about mine! I’ve pretty much decided that after I finish the Majors (hopefully sooner than later) I’ll pretty much stick to Chicago as my only marathon with maybe one or two extra ‘bucket list’ races besides that. Marathons are just SO LONG! Did you know you can do a half marathon in HALF the time???
I would hate the sidebar gabbing by personal trainers. The girl who colors my hair has gotten that way. I’ve been going to her for almost 20 years, and it’s gotten to the point where all she does is bitch and moan about her mother in law, her friends, her kids, etc. Then a new client comes in while my color is setting and I have to hear it all over again. I love the way she does my hair but I’m at the point of looking for someone new.
I am not surprised to hear that you have a little training burnout right now. Nothing wrong with taking some time off this summer. I plan to bike more this summer and run a little less mileage myself. My body just needs a rest from it a bit. The trainer thing-hmmm my trainer and I do talk a lot while we workout but it’s still all about me. I can’t imagine hearing a convo like the one you described -especially in a gym! Seems like there is always a lot going on at your gym!
Sounds like the summer off will be well earned and what you need to recharge!
Ew! I chat with my trainer while we work out but not in an inappropriate way. There was a trainer at my gym that talked so much and barely paid attention to her clients’ workouts. That was annoying. Someone should slap that guy!
I love Tatiana McF, too!! She’s awesome. I met some of my faves last weekend at The Mile!
Marcia, you covered all the emotions this month from funny (i can just picture you sprinting after T McF) to icky (discussing insatiable sexual desires with a client).
I know what you mean about Athleta. They used to be my favorite. Now I think I like T9 more. All so expensive!
Take some time to catch your breath before you do anything for London. You are all trained up, you don’t really need to do anything more.
I runfess I do not know Tatyana. But if she’s american then that would make sense. I mostly know Dutch runners. And African ones. And I now have a sportgirlcrush on a Polish runner.
I can totally imagine you are ready to not be training for a while. Personally I’ve loved the training I’ve had over the last few months because it’s been a breath of fresh air compared to marathon training. Of course now I can’t run at all and I’ll need to figure out what to do with myself for the next two months!
My trainer is also a friend but when we are training we are only talking about training. That conversation you overheard? That trainer was totally inappropriate !! There is a time and place for that kind of conversation and it’s not in the gym!
Um gross? I’d be finding a new personal trainer. That’s just creepy.
I don’t blame you for wanting to take the summer off and I think it can be a good thing, especially with back to back marathons like you’re doing! That takes a huge toll on a runner’s body and it can be a good thing to decompress and not have to worry about feeling like you “have” to go for a run.
Just for the record, I have never said anything remotely similar to a client what you heard that trainer say to his client…
I hated missing Runfessions again this month, but I did start next month’s post. Time has not been on my side lately, but hopefully that will improve in about a week or so…
I runfess, the first time I met Tatyana McFadden in the hotel elevator (where my gym at the time was) I had no idea who she was. But I agree, total badass
And agree with you re: Athleta, and runners. So silly
That trainer sounds like a real piece of work!
I always thought Athleta had real athletes modeling their clothes. That was part of the attraction for me. Hmmm.
Maybe some of them are runners? :-/