The first week of 2019 was eventful to say the least. Not in a good way. Adversity has a way of putting things in perspective. More on that in a sec. First, here’s how week 9 of Tokyo Marathon training went:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Strength
Wednesday: Run 6 miles
Thursday: Run 4 miles + Strength
Friday: Plyo Intervals + Prehab
Saturday: Run 7 miles (shoe fail)
Sunday: Run 10
Beautiful weather especially for January but my left foot was killing me
If you follow me on FB or IG you know I still haven’t found a suitable long-run shoe. I knew by mile 3 of Saturday’s run, the New Balance 1080s weren’t going to work so I cut the run short and did a do-over on Sunday in my trusty old Asics. My search continues for a long-run shoe. A minor nuisance relative to the rest of my week.
Home invasion
Mid-morning on New Years eve my brother sustained a home invasion. The perps had already broken into and ransacked the next-door neighbor’s home, who was away on vacation, and my brother’s home was next in line. Except they were home and called police from an upstairs room when they heard the front door and side window being smashed. The criminals were apprehended and lots of loot from an apparently busy morning was recovered and everyone is safe, but wow. I’d be scared shitless if someone broke in here. If that isn’t a wake-up call to be mindful and secure your doors and windows I don’t know what is. But wait, there’s more.
Home Fire
As I sat watching the evening news, I immediately recognized my dad’s condo building. Burning. A fire killed a man and critically injured his wife just two floors above my dad’s unit. Again, thankfully my dad and his wife escaped and are safe, but holy crap. Being rescued from a third floor balcony while a building burns isn’t something I ever considered within the realm of possibility. Certainly not for my elderly dad who barely gets around with a walker on is best day. Other than some mild smoke inhalation, my dad is fine.
Alright let’s move on to better things.
I was sent some CBD Living topical products to test. If you’re not familiar with CBD (Cannabidiol), It’s derived from the hemp plant. It’s 99.5% pure and contains no THC so there are no psychoactive effects, therefore it is both legal and safe. CBD Living grows their materials organically at a state-licensed hemp farm in Colorado. CBD Living uses nanothechnology which makes their CBD 90% bioavailable for maximal absorption. All products are triple tested by a third party for purity and are manufactured in the USA.
The effects of CBD are unique to each individual, but overall it is known to communicate with all organs in the body to help balance the physiology in a variety of ways.
I used the CBD Living Bath Bombs just like I would any other ones, except these contain 60mg of nano-CBD. Drop one in the tub and let the water run to dissolve. Then relax, soak and let the CBD absorb into your skin and bloodstream. I enjoyed the relaxing scent and the bath was luxurious, but to be honest it felt like any other bath. It wasn’t until later that I noticed the effect of the CBD. I felt more relaxed, less anxious and I slept like a freaking log. Typically after a long run, I can be quite wound up even at bedtime and have a hard time falling and staying asleep. Not so after using the CBD bath bomb. I also felt less achy the next day despite a long run the day before.
CBD Living Freeze is a CBD-infused gel designed to reduce pain and inflammation of tired, overworked muscles. I used it on my IT bands and hamstrings after a long run. It gave me an immediate icy sensation that lasted for at least 25 minutes. I found the roll-on easy to apply, refreshing and soothing. Again I felt less muscle soreness the next day.
Overall I found both of these products to be good tools to keep on hand for recovery after tough workouts.
How was the first week of the New Year for you? Ever try CBD products?
Oh my goodness about your dad and your brother! So happy to hear that everyone is ok. Wow how scary on both fronts. I am home along a lot and it can be scary sometimes! You do have to be vigilant. Whew scary! I don’t think I have ever had a shoe failure but I have been thinking of getting a new pair. Hope you get that sorted out! Have a good week
WOW!!!! SO sorry for all that drama, but I am so glad everyone is safe. I have heard of CBD oil, I’m guessing your products serve a similar purpose (?). I’m not one to soak in a tub, but if it could help me fall asleep (and stay asleep), I’d be willing to give it a go.
OMG Marcia! Such scary events for your family last week – I am glad that your brother and father are safe and okay. I’m always double checking to make sure my car and home doors are locked – I guess you can never be too careful nowadays.
I’ve been reading up on CBD products and trying to decide on one to try so I think I will buy the ones you used. I’m all about anything that can help with recovery!
Holy WHAT??? OMG that home invasion thing is freaking me out and then the fire??? Good Lord! let’s hope you’re done with craziness for the remainder of the year, because that is a ton of crazy in one weekend! We always have our alarm on when we’re away but I think I should probably keep it on when we’re here too. Crazy.
I certainly hope you find a good long distance running shoe but at least you have an old stand-by. And I have some hand and foot cream with CBD oil in it and I don’t really notice a difference but it feels great and smells good so I use it a lot on my feet at night!
How scary! Glad your family is ok!
I have a CBD salve that I use on the nerve issue in my heel. I can definitely tell a difference if I use it on a regular basis, which makes sense because it’s an inflammation issue and CBD is supposed to bring down inflammation. I haven’t gotten quite brave enough to try one of the oral solutions yet…
Woah. Holy shit. I’m having a panic attack just thinking of what your brother went through! And your Dad! So glad everyone is OK, but sheesh! The CBD bath bombs seem like a good recovery tool, but my husband is freaked out about all things related to marijuana since he’s subject to random drug testing at work. (I know CBD # THC but he’s still freaked out!)
Geez! Your poor family! Both very scary experiences and I’m glad everyone is ok. Was your dad able to go back to his condo?
Glad to hear that you liked the CBD products. I haven’t jumped on that trend yet. Although the way things have been on and off the road, I think I may need CBD+!
Wow, what a frightening week for your family. Glad your brother, dad and their others are all OK
That bath bomb sounds luxurious. Good sleep is so underrated
ooph re: New Balance ones. As I mentioned in your prior one, also having issues although I think/hope they’re just out of mileage. Have you ever tried the Vongos? When I switched to NB they had me choose between the two and the Vongos just felt more “right”, if that makes sense.
Wow Marcia, what a week! So scary to have someone break in like that. I’m hoping my 2 German shepherds are a deterrent. Glad your Dad is okay but again, how scary!
I’ve been considering the CBD oil for my husbands arthritic knee. I figure it can’t hurt.
Have you tried lacing your shoes different yet?
Good luck with the shoe issue. 🙄
I haven’t heard of CBD. I stick with good ol’ epsom salts, which I used yesterday. My piriformis was talking during my run Saturday and got stiff, so I did a workout and then bath recovery to help it yesterday.
Wow! So very scary! The home invasion and the fire. I am so glad to hear that everyone is ok! Those are two of my worst fears! CBD is taking over! I have used topical CBD before and really like it. I also just got some CBD gummies to try so we shall see. I have never seen the bath bombs before though.
holy moly Marcia!! first your brother, then your dad!!!! I’m so so glad everyone is ok. Really. There was a fire across from us last year and watching from my own apartment had me scared sh*tless. In fact I actually cried. I just thought what if someone was in there? what if they were sleeping? what about pets? totally freaked me out.
i would love to use a topical CBD lotion or potion or whatever but it’s not allowed here. can you believe that? oh but I just just go to a coffee shop and buy a whole bunch of buds and that’s fine but no CBD topicals. Land Of Contradictions. I have taken CBD capsules for a while and I noticed recovery from long runs seemed to be quicker. But it never helped me with sleeping or anything like that.
what was the issue with the NB’s? toe box by chance? They gave me black toenails…
Wowza! Way too much drama for one week! So glad all family members are ok!
CBD seems to be everywhere, but I have ventured a try yet. Nice that you found the products helpful – especially the solid night’s sleep! There’s something I could definitely use.
Good luck with the new shoe search. Is the newer version of your Asics out of the question?
Holy Crap! Have I shared the time Chester saved me? Some kids had apparently been breaking into houses in my neighborhood. Mr. Judy was overseas on a business trip. This was while we still lived in TX, and we had a security system there (we don’t here).
At 2 am the doorbell rang . . . Chester goes tearing off barking. I sat up in bed clutching my cell phone. It never even occurred to me to call 911, and eventually nothing happened so we all went back to sleep . . . and then it rang again!
Again nothing actually happened (I did contact the police the next day, btw, which is how I found out about the kids breaking into houses). So apparently Chester did his job as a guard dog (Lola just stayed on the bed with me, LOL).
Anyhoo, got up the next morning & went outside with the dogs . . . and the gate to our fence was open. We hadn’t used that gate in months because the humidity made it darn near impossible to open. So obviously they’d actually gotten into the back yard, too, but we had motion lights and we had Chester.
Very glad your Dad & his wife are ok. I shudder to think what would happen to my parents in that situation. Yes, 2019 will get better from there!
Oh wow. So scary. Glad things turned out as they did.
So excited for your trip to Tokyo…I’ve living virtually through you! You got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy WHAT! Both your brother and dad? I’m glad they were was safe, I can imagine the fear I would have felt in both situations.
CBD is gaining more traction and I am really interested in the effects. I haven’t tried any yet, but I’ve heard it has some great benefits for athletes and for stress/anxiety.
What a crazy week! I’m so glad the members of your family are safe. I haven’t heard of CBD products, but I need all the help I can get with a good night’s sleep. Thanks for linking!
OMG, Marcia, how scary! I’m so glad your family is OK. It must have been terrifying see your dad’s condo on the news! I have yet to try CBD oil but have been thinking about it. My mom’s cardiologist mentioned it to her recently when she was telling him about her arthritis pain. She came home and told my husband, “my doctor wants me to smoke weed”. Totally cracked me up!