Happy Easter/Passover! I am just back home from our spring break vacay in sunny California. Although we’ve been to California many times before, I think this was one of our best visits. You may recall our trip there 2 years ago was kind of a mess. That said, March is finally a wrap! While I never wish time away, I runfess I’m not sad to see it slip past.
The last time I ran without injury there was snow on the ground. Depressing.
March Running Miles: 15. No thanks to this dang knee injury. Overall it’s feeling much better and there’s zero pain when I walk, but there’s still a dull ache deep inside when I bend it deeply. I ran a bit to catch an airport shuttle and that was still mildly painful.
Strength Sessions: 3. Meh.
Yoga: 4. Working around the bum knee has been a challenge. Blah blah blah.
Date of last run: 3/6. Boo.
Races: 0. I was sad to have to DNS the RnRCarlsbad All Day 20k.
Vacation Days: 9. And they were glorious. I flew to LA with the kids then rented a car and drove down to San Diego where we hooked up with the Caveman who’d been working there the week before. Check out my Instagram to see the play-by play but after a few days in San Diego we headed to Palm Springs and did some amazing hiking in the San Jacinto Mountains. From there we headed back up to LA for a few days and finished off with college visits for the teenager and time in Malibu before heading back to the grey Chicago tundra.
Meetups: 1. It was so nice to meet Smitha for coffee!
I suppose cupcakes aren’t part of eating well, but this Red Velvet number from Cupcake Wars Champion Frost Me did not disappoint.
Weight loss/gain: +2. Despite efforts to eat well(ish) on vacay, I’m now up 10 lbs. for the year. Sigh. Even though I walked/hiked between 5 and 8 miles every day on vacation (without knee pain, YAY!) no “real” cardio + eating out every meal took a toll. RUNNING I NEED YOU!
Books: 0. Caught up on magazines though.
Movies: 2. Watched The Shape of Water and 3 Billboards in Ebbing, Missouri on the flights. They were both weird but excellent. Loved Frances McDormand in 3 Billboards.
Looking Ahead…
- April gets crazy with outdoor track season starting for both of my kiddos.
- Thankfully I have no April races planned.
- With only one snow day this year, there are really only 2 months left to the school year.
- I really REALLY hope (and expect) to get back to running in April, sooner than later.
- I really REALLY also need to drop this weight. I feel like a broken record on this one.
- The Ozzy pup turns 1 and Carlo the Wonder Dog turns 18!?!
How did March pan out for you? Any spring break travels? What’s on tap in April?
Join us this week for the Tuesdays on the Run Linkup where we’re talking all about our favorite products.
Sorry your knee is still hurting. It does sound like its improving, so thats good! Glad you had a good time on vacation!
Boo to that knee! All my running buddies are injured and I’m flying solo for all my races this year so far (except Mercedes). I hope you are back on the road soon.
Your trip looked amazing! We need to have lunch so we can catch up. Glad you had a good time!
That’s awesome that your trip to Cali was so great! A good vacation is definitely necessary every now and then.
I can’t believe that Carlo will turn 18 – that’s amazing! I hope you will throw him a nice doggy birthday party, lol
I hope your knee behaves and you get back to running.
At least you got to leave the frozen tundra for a while.
I watch The Shape of Water on my plane trip too. I had already seen 3 Billboards. Enjoyed them both.
Glad you got away for such a nice long vacation! March was great for me too – building my food and running business and all my 50k training kept me busy but really happy. Plus I got away to California for a mini vacation of sorts with Erica at Expo West.
Your sunny CA pics looked amazing 😉 Gosh, I hope your knee shapes up soon…I know how much of a bummer it is to be sidelined when everyone else around you is running. Ozzy is almost a year old? How did that happen so quickly?
Your vacation out in California sounds lovely! I was bummed that when I was out there for the marathon we didn’t have really nice weather. That coffee is so pretty and that cupcake looks delicious. We have a cupcake shop in Virginia Beach that was on cake wars but didn’t win.
I can see how yoga would be nearly impossible with an injured knee. 🙁 I am so envious of everyone’s warm vacations. Maybe next year . . .
I find that I tend to go up from the sodium on vacations, but it comes off relatively quickly with the return to normal eating — of course, it doesn’t ALL come off.
April should see me doing a few shorter races. And beginning to really train, even though my longer distance races are still pretty far away. When Mr. Judy said his throat was sore last night I was like nooooooooo! But we think it was just allergies.
Happy Birthday Carlo! 18. Wow. I’ve never had a dog live that long. Cats, yes, but my childhood dog lived to about 14, and of course Chester was only 10. 🙁
Gizmo, OTOH, just turned 17. 🙂
On the bright side…you were able to hike with your bum knee and have a fabulous 9 day Cali vacay. Totally jealous. Here’s hoping your knee will be a thing of the past this month. Enjoy this busy month with the girls. It’s very cool they will both be running track. My youngest son and my grandson are soooooo busy with baseball. But, I wouldn’t trade going to those games for anything in the world. Thanks for linking!
Sorry about the knee, but I think it’s a good sign that hiking didn’t bother it. I’d like to see 3 Billboards … I’ve heard mostly good things about it. No spring vacation for me, but at least work is quiet while my clients are on vacation. 😉
You all looked like you had so much fun on your vacation. I bet you come back even stronger than ever after your forced rest!
No spring break travels, but I did book my first excursion for Alaska. I’ve got to book the two other ones, and I’ll do that this month.
So sorry about your knee! That truly is a bummer because you really want to get out there but your body just doesn’t want to let you go. I’ve been there. March was okay for me. No travels but I did get some double digit runs last month and that was great for my ego lol. Hoping more long runs in April and crossing my fingers for the cool (ish) weather to stick around these parts!
Hope your knee feels better soon! March was a good month for me. I don’t have my April goals set but they won’t change much from March.
Your vacation pics looked awesome… glad you guys had a great time! Fingers crossed you’ll be back to running very soon. Happy upcoming birthday to Ozzy pup and Carlos ….can’t wait to see some cute ‘party’ pics of them celebrating! Lol
Your vacation pictures looked like a good time was had for sure! Ugh sorry, your knee is still giving you trouble. Hoping you can get back to some running this month.
I recently watched both of those movies and loved them both way more than I expected! So unique.
your trip looked lovely- jealous of all that sunshine!
I’m sorry things have been so frustrating for you 🙁
I saw The Shape of Water and I think I liked it. It’s one of those I have to watch again. I also want to see 3 Billboards, but I’ll wait for it to come out on regular cable. Other movies I saw this month: Black Panther, The Greatest Showman, Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert and Jumanji 2.
Two races in March,and I have one coming up on Saturday. That will be the end of my big race season, and then it’s back to shorter distances for the summer.
I hope you start feeling better soon.
Hey Marcia, I’m not totally up to date – what happened to your knee?? I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to run/fitness/yoga like normal! That sucks!
Your trip sounds really fabulous AND productive! And you got to meet Smitha!!!! Nice!!
I can really sypmathise with the weight gain thing. Truly. Last year my total was 18 lbs #allthesads and trying to lose it has been more than frustrating. I’m training again more often and seeing a dietician but STILL. Up. Down. Up. Down. For Pete’s sake I just want to see the scale stay down, even 1 kilo!!!
March was fairly awful with a few ok things thrown in. Glad to see the back of it! No spring break here – but we are going to Boston in 10 days!!! WOOT!
So sorry to hear about your knee and sure hope it heals up so you can get back to running. I have had several knee injuries. Boo. I totally understand. Sounds like your trip to California was amazing! That cupcake looked divine!! I’ve watched a couple movies on the Oscar list. 3 Billboards was good but I can’t get over how bad the language is in all these award winning movies. Have you seen I, Tonya? 😱 Hope you have a great week!
Dang knees, but yay for fun trips to California! I went into full self-sabotage mode in March, but I’m mentally prepared to turn things around in April. The warmer weather helps.
Other than your knee, it sounds like you had a great month. Yay for vacations and being able to take a break from the normal routine. Here’s to getting back on track this month!