I’m flying out to Tampa for Gasparilla Race weekend today but it’s Runfession Friday and of course the Runfessional is OPEN!
I runfess things never change in the gym locker room, but we can change how we react, right? I might have (ok I DID) shoved, I mean nudged…a heaping pile of shizz (some pig…I mean woman) abandoned on a locker room bench. I’m not exaggerating when I say THE ENTIRE 3’x5′ bench was consumed with her gym bag, shoes, water bottles, wet towels, makeup, enough workout wear for a week, etc. In my defense I needed a place to sit to put on my socks/shoes, is that too much too ask? I runfess it gave me the tiniest bit (ok more than that) of glee to see her come back and have to scramble to collect her bra, clothes, water bottle, who knows what else that was scattered everywhere. The bench is NOT your personal space.
I runfess I thought I saw it all in the locker room but apparently that is not true. Now I can check off woman blow drying her nether bits. Seriously do they need to be warmed?? Air dried? Is cooter burn a thing?? How can I unsee this?!?
I runfess I had a close-call when an errant Starburst found its way into my clothes dryer. After telling Thing 2 to be more mindful of her candy stash, the very next day I found this in the dryer after washing a load of bed sheets. Apparently the Ozzypup needs to be more mindful of his chew stick stash too.
I runfess I kind of enjoyed it when the guy working in the grocery store deli asked me all about running when he saw my Indianapolis Marathon sweatshirt. Despite telling him 3 times that I wanted 1/4 lb of turkey, he was so enamored with 26.2 that he gave me a half pound….and I didn’t say a word to correct him. Just took the meat, smiled and left. It’s a good thing he didn’t slice 6 pounds for me I guess, cuz I would’ve bought it. See? I’m not always a bitch..just when I need to be.
I runfess I still have triathlon floating around in the back of my mind. I actually enjoyed two of the tris I’ve done. Maybe enjoy is an exaggeration but the tris I’ve done with a pool swim have been my best because, you know, that open water thing is still no bueno. I entertained the possibility of revisiting the one I did last year only to find it’s no longer happening. Neither is the one I did a few years ago. WTH? Is that a sign to stay away from triathlon??
Alright your turn: What have you got to runfess? Are you happy to talk about running with random strangers?
I’m linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.

Have fun at your Gasparilla Race this weekend! Enjoy the Florida weather!
Oh righty then, I can’t unread what you wrote about the woman blow drying her… Every time you tell one of your locker room stories it makes me so happy that I work and workout at home. After working for a few different gyms over the course of many years, I have enough bad locker room visuals to last me a lifetime.
Thanks for the linkup!
You know i”ll talk running with anyone. The butcher at Whole Foods and I discuss running on a regular basis.
Holly named her foster dog Cooter. Just so you know.
No, no…let me clarify. His name is Rocky…his NICKNAME is Cooter (which means cajun redneck or it did until someone decided it was a good thing to call a lady’s nether bits). My DIL is mortified I called him Cooter…or really Cood. Was all of that too much? LOL. I hope you have a fabulous time in Tampa at Gasparilla.
You have the most interesting gym experiences. I don’t miss gym locker rooms at all.
A few reasons why I’m happy to work out at home. LOL
Good luck this weekend!
oh gosh…I”m so thankful I do not belong to a gym LOL Best wishes to you (and all the ladies) in Florida…it’s GOT to be warmer there than in the Midwest, right?
After briefly dealing with a gym locker room last year I am glad to no longer be exposed to what happens in there. Although you always have the craziest stories. Hope you have a great race this weekend!
Happy race weekend!!
I do enjoy talking shop about running. It doesn’t matter who it’s with. Could be the deli guy or the lady at the library. It’s a fun topic. 🙂
Have a great race! Can’t wait to hear about it!
So-safe to assume the locker room gal is not a regular blog reader? ha ha. I have seen some crazy stuff in there as well including the blow drying of interesting body parts. Hope you have a fantastic race-cation weekend
Ugh. I’ve gotten so sick of the space hog at my gym that I’ll do an extra round of stretches to minimize the time we overlap.
Have a blast this weekend!
Have a great trip and enjoy all the running and weather!
Did the blow dry lady have a lot to dry down there?! 🤔
I saw that Esprit de She cancelled their whole series. What a bummer!
Have a great time at Gasparilla!!!
I may or may not have done the same with regards to a locker room bench but I thankfully have never seen what you saw. Although, now, I can’t seem to unthink it. Gah!!! Why are people so weird?!
OMG the women in your gym locker room are definitely one of a kind, LOL. Umm…I have never even thought about blowdrying my “special area” – that’s just..wow, no words! LOL
OK and I thought my gym was crazy! As Kim said, I just have no words for THAT!
Have a great time this weekend!!
AH! Oh my…what a locker room experience…That would be AWFUL! People are SO strange!!!
We flip houses so my dryer has seen all things from a screw driver, to nails to everything else under the sun when it comes to “things that end up pockets from the house throughout the day”….I’m terrible with checking pockets but good grief a screw driver??? Oh well, at least our washer/dryer still function like normal.
Have a great Friday!!
Yeah, I’ll talk about running with almost anyone.
I talked about running when I got stopped by (maybe a homeless) person on the streets of Buffalo. She wanted to know how to start running.
My hubby is always leaving strange things in his pockets.
I have to wonder about the people at your gym. I never came across some of this stuff while going to one. This all makes me happy that I no longer use a gym, and can workout at home.
Oh, you have some interesting characters at your gym.
I love when people ask about my running shirts I wear. I feel like that is kind of my time to brag a bit. Hey they asked.
Seriously? Blow drying down there??? I’ve heard it all now. Some people …are just crazy!! Have so much fun in Tampa this weekend and I can’t wait to hear all about it!!!
When you said “shizz” was on the bench, I was thinking it was something else…lol
I have actually made a runner friend at the grocery store. I was wearing my Walt Disney World Marathon jacket and a lady finally approached me in the bakery section saying that she saw my jacket and was stalking me for several isles deciding if she wanted to approach me or not. I’m glad she did because it turns out that we run on the same trail and do some of the same races! -M
OMG. I always find lollipop sticks in the wash. WHY DO YOU PUT THEM IN YOUR POCKETS!!!! JUST THROW THEM AWAY!!!!
Just when I needed a reminder about why I don’t go to a gym. Da hell. Good luck in your race this weekend!
I wasn’t clear on what nether bits meant and had to look it up! Haha. Oh boy! You do have the unique gym experiences. I don’t go to mine as much as I would like to but I remember the only thing I would complain (from a different gym) is a girl using up the whole bench for her stuff. However, I would ask her to move it and she would.
Have fun this weekend!
Hope your race was awesome! I hate when stuff goes in the washer/dryer that’s not supposed to go in there!
I almost spit out my soup, drying “down there?” Er OK. I totally would have accidentally knocked over the luggage of that woman, too.