I hope everyone had an amazing and delicious Thanksgiving! Now it’s time to open the runfessional so we can cruise through the holiday whirlwind with a clear conscience. Let’s get started:
I runfess I thought I was having a heart attack a couple of weeks ago. I awoke to stabbing pain in my upper back. I wondered if this is how people having massive heart attacks feel. Of course I didn’t call 911 or even wake anybody. I just writhed there in pain until I fell back asleep. When I awoke I still had the pain but I could tell it was a pinched nerve. It has since vanished completely. There was lots of consultation with Dr. Google though.
I runfess I was so excited when I signed up for the Ghost Race. I was all set and had my Strava (which I otherwise never use) fired up and ready to go. Imagine how bummed I was when I realized I’d have to trek downtown to be on the “racecourse”. Getting downtown, running and fighting traffic back is an all-day affair IF I’m lucky. So not going to happen when I need to be back up here in the Stix for the proper care and feeding of kids and dogs. Pffft. So I had to take a Ghost Race DNS. Except once the Ghost Race was over, Lululemon sent me a prize. A prize I did not technically earn, because while I ran plenty of miles, I did not run any Ghost Race on any ghost course. That didn’t stop me from heading in to my nearest Lulu with my $25 prize and picking out a beautiful running outfit in excess of $200. At the checkout I presented my prize. The cashier wanted to know all about the Ghost Race. “Was it fun?” Oh yes. “Did you run the 5k or the 8k?” Oh the 8k of course. I lied and lied, then walked out with my ill-gotten wares. A week later I returned my fabulous running outfit. Guilt got the better of me, what can I say?
A sweater so nice I bought it twice….or something like that…
I runfess my name is Marcia and I’m a PrAna-holic. If there’s a PrAna’s anonymous or a PrAna-non, please point me in that direction. I hit bottom when I went to my dresser drawer the other day and found the exact same sweater with tags still on, sitting there that I was wearing. Same color, same everything. Clearly I need help.
I runfess I’m also addicted to Carmex. I was thrilled when they came out with the cherry and strawberry flavors but just recently heard about a limited edition SUGAR PLUM flavor! Holla! I scoured the stores around here looking for it to no avail, but in the process, I discovered Vanilla Carmex that tastes just like really good frosting. Did you know Carmex made vanilla?? But still I want that dang Sugar Plum…
I runfess I’ve been running so shitily (it’s a word, kind of) lately I’ve begin to rethink my plan to run a spring marathon. Maybe a runbattical is a better idea. We’ll see.
What have you to runfess? How was your Thanksgiving? Fave flavor lip balm? Final day to enter my giveaway!
I’m linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.

A runbattical! You totally crack me up
I don’t do lip balm much (I’m a lipstick addict, though…that’s what I strap onto my fuel belt BTW). There was a Burts’s Bees lip balm I used for awhile…a pomegranate flavor (?), that I really liked
I did not realize that if you had a heart attack that you could feel it in your back. Good to know.
I would like to try that sugar plum flavor lip balm too!
LOL about the buying the same sweatshirt. Luckily we don’t have prana or lululemon or Athleta here in France, else I would be bankrupt. Athleta is my favorite and they don’t do international orders well. So I runfess than when I come to the US and am looking for a hotel, I always try to make sure there is an Athleta not to far away… Having said that I was disappointed with the small choice in the Chicago store in October. So, saved myself money ! Happy Thanksgiving Marcia !
I don’t think Ive ever bought the exact same piece of clothing, but there have been times that I got something that looked almost exactly like something I already had. It must mean I really like the style I guess? That seems kind of unfair that you would have had to do the ghost run in a certain place! It sounds like you still ran and earned that prize, but I hear ya on the guilt. I may have felt the same way.
I feel you on the crappy running. I fear if I take a runbattical, I won’t ever come back!
Oh, I’ve bought the same Athleta sweater twice and have caught myself from buying the same thing again — or at least something very similar. I guess I know what I like? Oddly, by favorite lip balm right now is the freebie they gave away when CycleBar was opening. Luckily I grabbed a few …
I’ve totally done that duplicate purchase thing before, sigh. I really need to try Prana – I’ve heard such good things.
I’m trying a new approach to running to try to combat some of the burnout I’ve been feeling.
You returned your Lululemon?! Nooooo!!!! I only have one pair of shorts from there but I love them so much.
I dont blame you for buying two of the same anything. If it fits and you’ll wear it, why not?
I’m glad it wasn’t a heart attack!
I’m also guilty of duplicate purchasing. I definitely gravitate to certain styles and it’s easy to grab the same thing without even realizing it. lol
I don’t do flavored lip balms. I’ll chew my lips off. haha I like Burt’s Bees.
I wear lipstick rather than lip palm…all the time.
I’ve done the same with ZOOMA. I am an ambassador and have run NONE of their races but have worn the shirts and hats they’re sent me (Hope they don’t read this!)
Running no matter how crappy has kept me sane. You don’t want me to stop!
I cannot believe you returned the Lulu outfit! I totally would have kept it. I also love Carmex and have not seen this new flavor. I am on it! Thanks for the Runfessions
I have been having a lot of days where I have been running shitily as well! That word cracked me up, Marcia! Hang in there.
You cracked me up with the duplicate purchase. Can’t say I blame you – PrAna stuff is so nice it’s easy to get carried away! And I get the guilt around the Lulu outfit – I probably wouldn’t have been able to keep it either.
Thanks for the link-up!
I runfess…I’ve never purchase any Lululemon. Maybe if we had a store nearby… I’m addicted to Blistex DCT. It’s very similar to Carmex. However, you can’t always find it in stores. I go into slight panic mode when that happens. I hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend. Thanks for the linkup!
Prana is my uniform. It’s a daily struggle to stay off their site. I’m glad I’m not the only one!
I didn’t even know that Carmex had flavors! I’ll have to pick up a few!
I love the look of prAna clothes but do not own any. I need to change that!
I’ve joined the crappy running club…actually the no running club right now
Sure can’t wait to get back to it!
Chest pain is the worst – I’ve been having chest pains and have had two ECG’s and a stress test done and nothing to be found. I’m really starting to think it’s all stress related. Hope you are feeling okay.
Oh goodness, thinking you’re having a heart attack must have been so scary. I am glad it was not!
Happy Thanksgiving (belated).
OMG that is so funny about the duplicate sweater! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that. And even funnier about the Lululemon prize guilt. You are a better person than me!
I did the ghost race in Philly but I didn’t even use any coupon from lululemon…if I even got one, lol!
I’ve only had the cherry Carmex…all the other flavors sound amazing!
Grandmas is in the summer, right? Not spring, so you’re good!
I’m not quite sure what Carmex is?
I probably would’ve kept the Lululemon outfit. Luckily I very rarely wander in there. In fact, I rarely get to the mall these days, but every once in a while I do.
I’m definitely a shopaholic, but I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten the exact same sweater twice, but who knows? Anything is possible. Sometimes I can’t remember what I got up to get like 2 seconds ago . . .
I like Carmex too and keep a jar in my classroom and in my coat pocket. I didn’t know there were different flavors. How did I miss out on the Strava Race? I did laugh when you went along with the cashier about the race.
I just discovered prAnarecently and I want to switch all my jeans and casual pants to theirs!