October why are you disappearing so fast? This entire year is flying and once again it’s time to open up the Runfessional for the Runfession Friday Linkup! It’s where we bare our sweaty souls and start the new month free of running (or any, I’m easy) transgressions. Let’s get started:
I runfess I was pretty ticked at my Garmin in Berlin. It told me the 26.9 miles I ran were “unproductive”. I think that’s a nice way of saying “Wtf are you doing Marcia?” Who the heck wants to hear that after almost 27 miles of agony? 2 weeks later it told me I was “peaking”. I runfess this made me wanna run the Chicago Marathon. Peak running fitness is a terrible thing to waste.
I runfess that after I got the “unsuccessful ballot result” from the London Marathon, I was a little miffed to get an email from them 2 days later asking “Are you in?” Obviously I’m not in! Way to rub salt in that wound. Geez.
I runfess I fell more in love with the Caveman after this whole “not getting into London” fiasco. When I hatched my plan to run London in 2019 and Tokyo in 2020, he totally got on board the supportive spouse train. He even said…and I’m typing it here because it needs to be in a permanent place (ha!) in case he forgets (cuz maybe he was not of sound mind when he said it)…”after the marathon we can hop on over to Australia”. Australia? Hop on over? Yes please! I can hop! I don’t need to be told twice.
I runfess if I’m “hopping on over” to Australia, I’d might as well run a marathon there too…although it’s summer there in February. If you give a pig a pancake…clearly I need an intervention.
I told you we’ve had workmen here for weeks redoing our flooded basement. When they got started, my medals were still hanging in the pain cave. One of the guys must have heard from the Caveman that I was just back from running the Berlin Marathon and asked me “Did you win?” I laughed and gave him my standard “finishing is winning” line. Then he looked at my medals on the wall and said “I can’t believe how many races you won though!” I runfess I continued laughing and may have neglected to explain to him that they all weren’t “winning” medals.
Ok your turn! What have you to runfess? Does your Garmin tell you crazy stuff? Do you bother to explain running things to non-runners? Are you shopping for races?
I’m linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.

When people ask me if I “won” a race, it always takes me by surprise because doesn’t everyone know about racing? And how far was that marathon anyways?
Totally LOL at “Did you win?” Maybe I should actually hang all of my medals on the wall in a public area of the house.
Yes, we all win by finishing…especially those 26.2 marathon races, they’re a lot tougher than the 5K and 10K marathons, right?
Ha! I used to get that comment about winning races from kids at school all the time. I guess its confusing concept to non-runners. Also, the “how far was your marathon” question is another good one!
That’s too funny about the medals & workmen! Maybe it’ll encourage them to work harder. 🙂
London, however, needs to be slapped upside the head.
I’ve wanted to go to Aus/New Zealand forever. But you need so much time; don’t think it’s happening until my husband retires so guess I’ll have to live vicariously through you.
Oh, wow, on all those “wins” — too funny. It’s so great that the husbs is on board with your grand marathons. I hope you get them planned out.
Well I’ve been dying to go to Australia for the longest time! If your hubs doesn’t want to go I’m in 🙂
I get ticked off at my Garmin too. If often shows me an alert on Fridays saying “We see a pattern on Fridays”…yeah it’s called rest day! LOL
I love your plan for London/Tokyo and I also love your husband’s thinking! Australia is on my travel bucket list.
Love that he thought you had so many “wins”. And huge yay to your hubs for being so supportive. I’m dying to go to Australia – wonder if I could get my husband to consider “hopping” over 😉
What Garmin do you have that tells you these things?! Mine is too old to tell me anything. lol And LOL at “did you win?” I’ve gotten that too and I usually just laugh. Although, what’s the harm in saying yes? I mean, if finishing is winning then….. 😉
I’m awful with flying, so getting over to the other hemisphere would be a feet. If I make it, I’m taking my time and seeing everything I can.
My FIL ALWAYS asked “are you still running”? Like I’m just going to quit cold turkey. I’m definitely shopping for 2018 races but haven’t gotten very far because — here’s another runfession…I’ve gotten so indecisive. Does the Big M do that? Thanks for the link up!
I totally wouldn’t have corrected him either. Haha!
You’ll just have to keep reapplying for London until you get in. 🙂 Because who could pass up a race AND australia?!
I’m sorry you didn’t get into London. Will you eventually get a guaranteed entry if you don’t get in a few times in a row? (I think NYC does this). NOW THE WHOLE BLOGOSPHERE KNOWS CAVEMAN IS TAKING YOU TO OZ!
It always cracks me up when people ask if I won a half/full marathon – like do you not realize how many people do these things and how fast/elite the winners are? hahahah… I’m luck if I finish in the top half;)
I got the same annoying series of emails from London. Oh well, fingers crossed for Berlin next year!
Oh I always love your runfessions! Sorry you didn’t get into London…but oh man has Australia been on my bucket list for a long time! I’m currently trying to figure out a spring marathon…scary/exciting!
Oh… hopping over to Australia sounds fabulous. I still love the “how long was your marathon” question.
How cute that the worker thought you won all of your races. 🙂 Australis? Yes!!!
I think you are a winner! and hopping over to Australia? I love the way the caveman is thinking!
You totally should have said you won all those races 😉 And while in Australia you might as well run their summer race!