This week was all about getting back into a routine and kicking my own ass. To say I ate with abandon while on vacay would be an understatement and the waistband on my pants proves it. It felt really good to go an entire week without stuffing myself. Since it’s my running off season and its been bone cold, running has been minimal, but I managed to get out for a few miles at least.
Monday: Run 3 miles
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Run 4 miles
Thursday: Strength
Friday: Run 4 miles
Saturday: CrossFit
Sunday: Indoor tri
You’ll notice there’s a little triathlon action tucked in there. Say what? I don’t have a single pic so did it even happen or was I dreaming? It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. Was I trained for a tri? That would be a resounding no. But this is a teeny indoor one done for time. 10 minute swim, 30 minute bike and 20 minute run. Totally doable, especially if you don’t go like a bat out of hell, which I did not. It was a challenge to myself to be more spontaneous, and to not give up on triathlon completely. Mission accomplished.
I got back to CrossFit this week. Not too long ago I didn’t know where to begin to even grip this giant tire. But now? Yeah I figured it out. There were also slam balls, bear crawls, and sled pulling/pushing among other insanities.
Unkind People
On medal Monday I shared this pic on social media. Later that day I got some passive aggressive hater blowback from an acquaintance. My first inclination was to call her on it and ask for an explanation, then I felt the urge to go kick her you-know-what, then Wendy and my teenager talked me down. I swear where would I be without good friends and wise kids?
How was your week? Have you settled into the New Year? How do you deal with unkind people?
This week’s Tuesdays on the Run topic is Race-cation or race locally? Which do you prefer and why?
Iโm linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrapโฆ
โฆand with Ilka and Angela for the Sunday Fitness and Food Linkup.ย Join us!
Its always nice to get back into a routine after the holidays! I don’t understand people who are unkind when it comes to stuff like that. Glad Wendy and your daughter were able to help you through it!
Wow your daughter is smart! I love the picture of all that bling. And I love tire flipping. ๐
I will admit that I went back to your Instagram to see that comment but you must have deleted it. Well, if someone is unkind then I just ignore or smile at them. No excuses but they’re also probably having a rough day.
I like racecations and running locally. The former because I can visit a different place/race and the latter because then I don’t have to deal with traveling, expenses, etc.
I HATE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If someone wants to be shitty to me, just but straight up shitty. Sorry that happened. It’s nice to have people talk you down, right? One time I almost unleashed on a coworker, but another coworker caught me in the hallway on my way to my unleashing and she talked me down. I am so thankful she did that!
Hooray for Indoor Tri Day! I did not partake, nor did I know it was a real thing until this morning (lol). Next year.:) Way to rock out the week and get back into gear — that pic of you in the RnR jacket is FIERCE! <3
How I react to unkind people: I usually have to take a step back, take a breath, and realize that they're probably having a tough time. I don't know what that person did or said to you about your accomplishments, and I know that I don't have to tell you about how proud you should be, to not let someone get to you — the things you already know good and well. It takes a good soul to come to the realization that gettin' the dirt off your shoulder is way more fun than getting upset at someone who's having a bad day.:)
That is a great collection of medals. I was always told kill them with kindness!
Now, I just want to go find that pic on IG and read through the comments. ๐ You are right, though. We should be kind to unkind people, but it’s so hard to do!
Great job on your tri. I am not a swimmer, so tri’s aren’t really in my future.
UGH. Unkind people are a drag. I work with a gal who is very unkind, but in her defense I also think she’s shy and very socially awkward…so she has no concept on what a wet blanket she really is. That’s my armchair analysis ๐
Good for you for taking the high road on that one! It’s hard being kind to unkind others, but you did what was best. You should be so proud of those medals. That kind of mini tri is probably what I can handle. So glad that you ate well on vacay–that’s how it should be!
I don’t understand that hater thing. Yet another topic for our podcast. Gosh, the well is bottomless, isn’t it?
So glad to see you trying the CrossFit koolade. Isn’t it awesomely crazy? You’ll see the benefits on the road. You never know when you’ll need to flip a tractor tire.
And my comment didn’t post…
Clearly, we have a lot to talk about on our podcast. It’s amazing how much random stuff happens in a week.
You’ve got some awesome guns there. Because you just never know when you’ll need to flip a tractor tire…
Maybe the rude person just wanted to give us more material for our podcast. As if we don’t have enough to talk about.
Your arms in that tire flipping picture. Now I know who to call if I need some tractor tires moved… :p
congrats on your spontaneous TRI!
I have an unkind boss. I am trying very kind to be nice. It’s hard.
Ugh. Sorry about the negativity. I missed it but know how much it can suck. And, speaking of sucking it in … yeah, that’s how well my pants are fitting these days. Time to put down the peppermint bark and get serious.
Great job on your miles, crossfit, and indoor tri! I did a boot camp a couple years ago and flipped tires. It was fun lol sort of! I had a rough start to the New Year dealing with sickness but I managed to run three days!
Eeek, a tri, how fun to play with that indoors, even a small amount!! The whole thing that got me started running was something called an “Iron Goat” which is a triathlon spread over a month. I loved it! And it got me hooked four years ago, guess I mostly stuck with the running part, haha. Would be happy to “tri” more later. LOL.
So sorry you had some negativity while sharing something cool. Seems like you handled it great with some loving nudges. Big hugs.
Happy new week to you!! I’m hitting it hard tomorrow too. My holiday fluffiness is about gone and my energy is through the roof. Talk soon! Happy running!
PS I adore your tag line about guilt free life. Yes. So good. Xoxoxo
Looks like you got in a great mix of workouts. Congrats on the tri
Nice arm muscles when you are pushing that tire! I haven’t had any social media haters yet: guess my blog isn’t big enough for that yet. So maybe you can take it as a perverse sign of success?
I often remind the child and myself:
I love you as a snow Ninja Marcia! That look on your face, ready to take on the miles in the snow!
I loved loved loved the pic of you and the tire on Instagram this week. I remember how much I thought I should be doing something like this!
Ignore the haters Marcia – I know it’s easier said than done, but necessary so YOU GROW EVEN MORE!!
You accomplished tons of impressive work, a comment can never ever take that away!
Have a great training week my friend!
at the beginning of the week I was totally revved up for going back to Healthy Ways again. The wheels fell of the bus by Thursday. I’m definitely an emo eater ๐ But… kept up the run streak and didn’t get too nuts, so there’s that. I’m really sorry you got passive aggressive feedback from someone, especially about your medals!! I can’t imagine. You are better than them and it’s definitely not worth the energy!!
Look at you triing! I could do that. I know they have some indoor tris around here, but I don’t think they’re that short. I should look into it.
Clearly Wendy is rubbing off on you with the Crossfit.
I usually don’t figure out how to respond to unkind people until the moment has passed, I’m usually just so shocked by whatever the comment was.
Sounds like you had an active week, Marcia!
I LOVE all of your medals! I don’t get the passive-aggressive thing, it drives me nuts! It’s so hard to be kind to unkind people, it’s something I work on daily!
I am digging the baby Tri ๐ Enough to get feet wet and get a really nice workout in!
I need those ripped arms!
It looks like my comment got eaten…is stuff going to your spam maybe??
I am digging the baby Tri ๐ Just enough to get your feet wet and get a really good work out in!
I am loving your ripped arms.
Hitting submit a second time ๐
Tractor tire flipping is awesome but not as cool as your little tri ! Way to go! I don’t get the hater thing – I guess she does need a hug or maybe a flat tire……. ?
I loved seeing you move that tire in CrossFit…you make it look easy! And I peep that RockNBlog jacket…lookin’ good!
I can’t believe you got some hate for your medal Monday photo…so lame. I’m glad they talked you down and that acquaintance is blocked!
Since I started a new job, it really is a New Year. I’m starting to get through the required training, and getting access to the system. The first two weeks were strange, but it was kind of perfect since I couldn’t do anything without finishing the training. I have some in-person training left, but now I think I can get access and see what I’ll be doing.
Haters gonna hate, but they ain’t got bling and killer arms like you! #shesjustjealous #Fthehaters
I like race-cations with my teammates, not my family. The family really doesn’t get the importance of the “race” part, and i guess I can see how they may not want part of their vacation structured all around ME, but last year before my South Dakota race their refusal to work around my pre-race schedule was pretty frustrating. Lesson learned.
Sorry that happened to you with the PA “friend”. I tend to publicly ignore that kind of thing while venting to friends and family about it. And I have to watch myself, because while I don’t SAY/write that kind of thing, when I’m feeling less good about myself I tend to think that way more often. Not how I want to be!
I totally missed the rude comments..Well some people can be that way and things tend to come back around for those.
I’m so glad you are enjoying crossfit. I always enjoy when Wendy shares with us the stuff she does there, most of them scare the hell out of me but still.
I told you already but if I was going to try a tri this would be it!
I am coming off of a winter break hangover…girl it is hard to get back at it!!
Way to go on the indoor tri…didn’t I say last year that i was going to do it this year…teehee…maybe next year ๐
uuugh unkind people…..glad you had someone(s) to talk you down. I can;t even imaging what one would say to a post about racing and medals. Haters!!
WTF is all I can say – we can’t tout our accomplishments????
Sorry to hear about that unkind person on your IG post! You had a great week! Such an awesome pic of you with the giant tire and so cool you were able to do an unplanned indoor tri. I am hoping to work on swimming this year so I can finally do one!
I’m trying to get back into a routine and better eating after the holidays/vacation as well. I love your picture from cross fit. I need to try it, but I can just never seem to fit it in!! I am sorry to hear about the Instagram negativity…I have so many mixed emotions about that platform, but I know it is essential to blogging. Thanks so much for lining up at Sunday Fitness & Food…Have a great week!! ๐