Was this the fastest of all the months so far, or what? Final Friday of the month means it’s Runfession time once again. The month may have been short but my list of runfessions is not so let’s get to it, shall we?
It was not an easy running month if heat and humidity aren’t your thang. Many of my runs went up in a veritable mushroom cloud of sweat, exhaustion and swear words. One particular long run I unwittingly switched to a drink for its higher sodium content but didn’t realize it had almost zero calories until I crashed. Hard.
Is it a mirage? Or a Starbucks? I must get there…
Then I spied a Starbucks in the distance, across a farm field. I did what any crazy, depleted runner would do. I wogged across said farm field, kicking rotten produce out of way as I went, and dragged my salt-encrusted carcass up to the counter where I redeemed not one but two of the free drinks I have hoarded…I mean stored up…on my gold card for an emergency like this. I may have poured said venti iced caramel macchiatos with an extra shot into my hydration backpack for the trip home. Talk about refreshing.
Speaking of Starbucks…..again….
I came clean and admitted I may have enough bonus stars accrued for more than one free drink. I’m a stockpiling kind of girl, what can I say? The other day as I held my phone up to the scanner, the barista noticed the number of stars I have then wondered aloud why I was paying for a drink. Forgive me Father but she needs to keep her prying eyes off my stars. Can you believe the nerve? Hoarders gonna hoard.
Moving on
I like to think I keep my road rage fairly under control but I confess that’s not the case when my mama bear instincts come into play. Now that the teenager is accruing driving hours on her learner’s permit, I find myself in the passenger’s seat quite a bit. We have the New Driver magnet on the car and mostly people are very considerate and patient with her. However there have been two occasions when this was not the case.
A couple of drivers were guilty of tailgating, weaving behind us and basically being total d-bags, even though the teenager was doing the speed limit and honestly driving perfectly fine. When the road opened up to two lanes and said d-bag passed by, let’s just say mama bear got up in d-bags grill and bared her teeth a little…ok Β lot. I never saw a d-bag slink away so quickly.
Speaking of driving, because I’ve been running AFTER I get the kids off to school, I often…um…don’t bother to dress up…I mean get dressed…for the dropoff line. This week, due to issues at school I’ll tell you about another time, the school principal, district superintendent and a police officer were all waiting at the drop off point, and got an eyeful of me in my Alcatraz Prison Swim Team sweat shirt and pj pants. I make my kids so proud.
What have you to runfess? Did you ever run with “alternate” fuel? Is your morning getup ready for prime time?

I really want to hear more about the Alcatraz PJ incident. Looks like we need to have lunch. Or you can fill me in on the way to the marathon…
I’m not a fan of coffee in any form, but putting your venti thingy in your hydration pack for your run home sounds amazing! Genius!
Love your pants meme – I’ll soon be moving into my yoga pants and hoodie uniform for the next six month! π
Thanks for the linkup!
Caramel Macchiatos are my go to drink at starbucks. Love it! I can be the same way with hoarding rewards points. Not necessarily with Starbucks since I really don’t stop there that often. I am so glad that the heat and humidity are leaving. We’ve had some great temps over here the last few days and I love it.
I might not put on make up to go out but I try to dress decently… in France people are always quite dressed up, even for short outings. My colleagues saw me in nice sweats one day when I had been working at home, but just stopped by the office (garage !) to pick up something. They still make fun of me today.
I runfess that besides NYC, I have no interest in racing at the moment.
I walked Lola in pj bottoms more than once while on vacation — they look like sweatpants, at least. I don’t do it when we’re at home! Although I’ve been known to walk them in skirtsports after a run.
That tale if the principal et al must be a doozy!
Don’t even get me started on the ridiculous drivers out there. Nothing disturbs my zen like other drivers (but don’t tell Mr. Judy, cause I’m always getting on him about his road rage — at least I don’t throw a hissy fit if it takes more than 30 seconds to be able to turn!
I think Starbucks in your hydration pack is brilliant! I hoard stars too, but mostly because I usually just get brewed coffee and save my stars to when I want something else or my son is with me and wants a venti double upside down something or other.
Starbucks in your pack? Pure genius π It’s been a long time since I had to do the drop-off thing. There may have been a handful of times I was still in my jammies (with a messy up-do and dark sunglasses). I usually at least had lipstick, though LOL
Ha! I have stopped for a snapple before at a gas station. needed some caffeine and something cold! Did this happen on National Coffee Day by any chance?
I absolutely love your Starbucks story and also am a hoarder. While I only have one drink stored, I can’t wait to have multiples. Why is that? Okay, so next time for confessions you need to elaborate on the Alcatraz pj story. That one made me lol. I remember school drop off, many years ago and I normally had on the gray sweats that had stains etc or a pair of old jeans. Nothing nearly as exciting for staff to see.
Yes this month went by so quickly! I love the pants graphic LOL I am so happy yoga pants season is back π
Your runfessions always have me cracking up!! I could so picture you running through that field to get to Starbucks! Nothing wrong with hoarding those rewards, clearly they come in handy! π
I’m not a coffee drinking but I love tea. I too can imagine me running through a field to get to Starbucks because they have delicious Tazo tea, lol
I love your Mom Pants graphic. I have been known to go the bus stop in all sorts of PJs/yoga pant attire – it’s the messy ponytail/bun that really completes the look for me π
I have also seen Starbucks mirages on the run…exciting when they are real!! I almost wore jeans to work the other day because all my leggings and capris were dirty…or at least not in my closet, then I remembered I had a few in the dryer ? Win!
I am so thankful for the Strbucks at the end of my running trail!
I think it’s cool that you have a “new driver” magnet. I am always super cautious when I see cars with that on it. Not that I try to be a bad driver any other time..lol but you know what I mean!
I’m with you on Starbucks. I’m getting a free drink today!
Alcatraz prison suit! Ha! I go out in my pjs all the time! Can you believe I’ve only been to Starbucks once?
Oh my gosh your Starbucks story made me laugh uncontrollably! I’ve so been there, but could never have told it as well as you … though I runfess that I have never put the Starbucks directly in my hydration vest either … great post and thanks as always for hosting! Go get em mama bear!
Ha! I am so with you on wearing whatever is easiest and most comfortable for school drop off… no shame! My alternate fuel has been things like dried fruit- I haven’t crashed on a training run, but I did fall apart in my last race. Ugh!
I love your description of your trek to Starbucks! I bet that tasted good. π Sorry I didn’t Runfess this month, I just didn’t have anything to get off my chest. Hopefully I will have some secrets to get off my chest next time.
I confess I often get up and do my run with no makeup. Which is fine cause I hardly see people where I run but it does not make for good running selfies! I mean really if you don’t post it, it didn’t happen right? I confess, I’ve been trying to figure out how I can paint makeup on after the fact! No shame! Nope none at all!
Thanks for the link up lady! I feel much better!
I am the rattiest, baggiest, yesterday’s smudged makeup morning runner. It’s darker than dark. Does it really matter? But then, the sun comes up and I run into all kinds of neighbors. Teen driving. Ahhh….been there done that a few times. I can’t tell you how fast I get to a Starbucks oasis. I’m sure it would be my fastest pace every recorded. Thanks for the link-up!
That Starbucks story is hilarious and amazing! Made me laugh out loud. I’ve stopped for bananas at a grocery store on the run before… but have yet to get coffee. Usually my hilarious moments happen post run. I’ve been that girl in the Whole Foods line up eating mango out of the container because I’m so hungry and just can’t wait to pay for it then eat. There was the other time I picked up a roast chicken to bring home for dinner and was so hungry I started eating some of it as I walked down the street. Haha.
I do not stockpile stars I enjoy that free drink the second I get it π
I am a Starbucks rewards hoarder too! I share my card with my fiancΓ©, and he is not a hoarder, like say… me… and he uses them before I get a chance to get my hands on that venti macchiato !
I love the Mom pants cartoon!! that is so awesome!!
The Starbucks story… pure awesomeness!
Hahaha. I would be so worried about snakes! Starbucks in the hydration pack though – GENIUS!