Before I get to the sciatic nerve issue, here’s how the week in workouts looked:
Monday: Aborted run due to sciatic nerve pain
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 20 min step mill, 30 min strength, 20 min swim
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Test trail run 3.3 miles (no pain!)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Run 18 (BOOM!)
You know how it goes. You’re clipping along, time is flying, weeks until the marathon are slipping away. And then BAM. Up pops an obstacle. Cow in the tracks. Fly in the ointment. Bump in the road. Pain in the ass. Literally.
Before I go on, I need to come clean. Remember that time I was doing goblet squats on a cruise ship? Yeah I was. And the ship was sailing. And we hit a swell and the dang thing rocked, and my lower back tried hard to compensate and stabilize. Except something went wonky. I felt it for days. The truth is, it still ain’t right. It’s a little stiff in the morning and I get jolts of subtle pain from time to time. Not enough to stop me from doing anything. Not enough to whine about. Until…
The other day that subtle pain was not so subtle. It radiated down my right buttular region, down my hamstring, to the back of my right knee. Electric shock-type pain alternating with numbness. Mucho no bueno. Each time I’d try to run, I could not. Not at all. Walking was ok but running was out. I suspect the heat, humidity and mileage at last weekend’s race had something to do with this. There’s most likely inflammation going on that causes something to irritate my sciatic nerve.
My consultation with Dr. Google revealed possibilities I do not want to entertain. Things like herniated discs. Just say no to back problems. Ugh. Yet I was able to get my 18-mile long run done without a peep. Go figure.
Moving On…
Last week was the Gerolsteiner #sparklingdetox challenge. I gave up my beloved coffee and drank only sparkling mineral water for five days. By some miracle I did not get a caffeine withdrawal headache, but boy did I miss sitting with my warm cup in the morning and smelling the brew. Other than that, the detox went really well. For once I was hydrating properly, which is huge. When I’m hydrated, I crave less junk and eat less overall. I feel leaner in the mid-section. The Facebook support group was the bomb. They had a nutritionist on there sharing all kinds of useful tidbits and healthy recipes. If Gerolsteiner does the #sparklingdetox again in the future, I am so there and I hope you will be too.
Twitter. Is it just me or does it seem like every other account on there is a spam account? What is up with that?
Pic of the week. Summer temps seem to have returned to Chicago, but still fall is in the air. Friday’s pain-free trail run was pure perfection. I was so happy to be out there! Nothing like a twinge of an injury to raise the gratitude quotient.
Feeling accomplished…sort of. Chalk it up to getting a nice cup of coffee, a rest day or whatever but I had a major, not to mention rare cleaning jag on Saturday. Mega toy purge in the playroom AND Thing 2’s room, but wait there’s more. I did a KonMarie number on one of my running gear drawers. Actually I kind of did it wrong because I’ve got three layers of stuff so it’s hard to see everything without messing up the entire drawer. I suck.
Fave SnapChat filter. Because I’m a loon.
How’d your week go? Any experience with sciatic nerve pain? How do you organize your running stuff?
This week we’re talking about running advice on the Tuesdays on the Run Linkup. Stop by and tell us the best running advice you ever got.
I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap…
…and with Ilka and Angela for the Sunday Fitness and Food Linkup. Join us!
I sure hope that pain stays away. Fingers crossed.
I just don’t know if I could give up my morning coffee, for the reason you mentioned. The smell, the warm mug, the whole great way to start the day thing. Are you going back on the stuff?
Well that is big to go from aborting the run to 18! I am still really impressed you didn’t caffeine w/d I even got a headache when I was sick that went away as soon as I could down ice tea lol I am sure the detox made you feel great 🙂
Wendy I’m right back on the coffee. I love it too much!
I had fun running in Chicago last week! If my clothes get stuffed into a drawer before I wear them, I’m doing well. 🙂 Interesting reflections on the water challenge. I do love the smell of coffee and would miss it even more than the caffeine, I think!
Boo to the sciatic pain. I often wonder if my hammy/glute/prirformis crap is related somehow to sciatia nerve? I have zero back pain, and it all stops right below the butt…so not even much of my hammy is involved. But holy crap, it I sit too long, I look like someone much older than myself attempting to stand and take that first step (on some days). I’m rolling. stretching, and doing lots of PT stuff, so it’s manageable,but how I’d LOVE an entire training season with ZERO pains in the buttocks (a gal can dream, right?)
Egh injuries! I was sidelined by an angry IT band for two weeks training for my first marathon. So glad it didn’t get in the way of your long run! I’m constantly trying to rearrange my running clothes, but the more race shirts I get, the harder it is! I use the roll method, too 🙂
Sorry to read about the sciatic nerve. I had problems for years after a pregnancy had thrown my alignment off. Chiropractor saved my life.
I decluttered like crazy this weekend… I actually love doing that. Haven’t gone through my drawers or clothes yet, we are still having summer like weather.
Hope your pain is more manageable this week…..
That sciatic nerve pain does not sound like fun! When I had piriformis issues my sciatic nerve would get irritated, but it would only really bother me in the glute area and into the top of my hamstring. Glad you were still able to get in a solid week of training and hopefully the problem is gone for good!
I have had the sciatic nerve pain before and I simple task of making the bed almost took me out! It hasn’t raised it’s only head in a long time but you know it is in there- lurking around! Congrats on the 18 miler than is amazing- t0 many miles for me :)! Happy Monday!
I do organize my running stuff. My dresser’s small, so my workout gear is all on hangers in my closet. I take care of my running gear better than some of my everyday clothes. T-shirts are fine in a dresser, and so are sweaters. I’ve been wanting a bigger dresser but haven’t gone to get one yet.
Hope the pain goes away soon. I used to be soooooo organized. Not so much anymore these days. I just try to remember to brush my teeth every day, LOL!
Ugh, sorry to hear about your nerve pain, that sounds like an awful experience. I’m glad that it had no impact on your 18-miler! Oh and that trail run looks awesome. I can’t wait for the temps to cool so I can really enjoy the trail near my house!
super ouchies on the pain!! I could feel the pain so clearly!! I hope It stays away!
I cannot believe you gave up coffee!! you have a very strong will!!
My goodness Marcia, if we only knew exactly what was going on with our bodies. That would really be frustrating with you pain one run and nothing the next.
Ahhh I’ve been interested to see how this detox went. You know even the word scares me a bit, but I”m so glad it worked out well for you! It would be hard for me to give up my coffee too.
OH NO!!! So, next step doc???? Man this aging sucks! 🙂
I see so many people giving up stuff.. challenges & such. I get it but at 58, I am not unless somebody pays me to look better! 🙂
Marcia – I hope you remain pain-free. I had a bad sciatic nerve flare – up this Summer – I needed a chiropractor. So painful! Apparently a lot of runners are prone to it.
Congrats on that 18 miler – funny how we can still sometimes run through certain aches and pains.
I can imagine how much better hydrated you felt when you skipped coffee – starting the day off with water feels so much better on our system! Have a great running week Marcia!
No can do without coffee. It would be UGLY. I’m happy to hear you had a pain free 18 miler! Sciatic nerve pain is something I’ve never (knock on wood) had to deal with. HA…buttular. Love that word. I shutter to think where Dr. Google went to medical school. We rely on his every word so much! Hope that buttular region is much better this week. Thanks for linking, Marcia.
I did the exact same thing with my workout drawers a couple of years ago…rolled all of my capris, shorts, skirts and tops…it has been wonderful! Amazingly, it has remained that way until just a couple of months ago…I’ve run out of space and need to purge so now it’s all just crammed in again…sigh! I suck too! lol Sorry about your pain in the ass… I’ve had an unpleasant experience with that too and you are so right…it does make you so grateful just to be able to get a couple of miles in when it’s gone! Glad it’s keeping quiet so you can run happy 🙂
Oh no Marcia! I’m so hoping that sciatic pain doesn’t flare up again. Hopefully it’s a good sign you got through your 18 miler!
I have sciatic nerve issues but mine is a little odd (of course, because it is me we are talking about!). I have pain but it’s not debilitating. Instead neves related to the sciatic nerve are somehow blocked and this causes very odd feeling in my hip and knee and my foot goes numb (tingles). it’s been going on for years and I’m super sick of it. I did finally go to a chiro after trying everything else (it seems) and it helped a little bit. I go again today. My manual therapist helped a lot when I had pain in my lower back. So it may be of interest for you to see someone like that. Don’t google. Really. Last week I googled and I had diabetes and had to have my foot removed. I really hope you get it sorted. It’s not fun. Ron’s had issues too. He’s been getting dry-needling in the piriformis. Physio thinks his sciatic nerve may run THROUGH the piriformis!
I keep meaning to get some Gerolsteiner here. I’ll be in Germany soon, I know they have it there! Not sure I could give up my coffee either though!!!
Oh dang, Marcia. Based on my recent experience I say check that thing out with somebody good like a sports medicine doctor, maybe do some PT. You do NOT want that to get worse! Disc problems can cause weakness that you don’t want to stay! And the weakness can cause compensation and overuse problems.
That coffee detox scares me to death! Even in summer, I love sitting with a nice hot cup of coffee in the mornings – especially on my days off! I really should try to cut back though seeing that I didn’t even start drinking coffee until a few years ago.
Oh my gosh! I totally missed this post. ARE YOU OKAY LADY?! I’m also dealing with sciatica issues and it’s so not awesome at all. Sending you lots of healing vibes! And yay for the 18-miler so maybe it’s not so bad after all?
Oh no! So sorry to hear about the sciatic nerve pain! Hope the pain stays away! Glad that you were pain free for your 18 miler. Hoping the weather will be cool in 2 and a half weeks for the marathon!
Nice job on the 18 miler and glad that sciatic nerve stayed quiet for it! I have been dealing with a pain in the butt all Summer, so I have been laying low right now…hoping it goes away! Thanks so much for linking up with us at Sunday Fitness & Food, LOVE reading your posts 🙂 Have a GREAT Week!!!
Hope your pain has already gone away. I can see the detox will work nicely. Have a nice day.
Sorry to read about the sciatic nerve That sciatic nerve pain does not sound like fun, Hope the pain goes away soon.
Sadly you had bad sciatic nerve. You must have been got though much pain.
I used to be suffered from bad wrench. It was a consequence from my morning race! ( black Monday that i didnt want it happens again). I got 1 week in bed and must need support from crutches. Then it took me 2 more weeks to get back my normal workout!
If I were you, I couldn’t give up the coffee in the morning. Sorry about the sciatic nerve! But I think you are kind of energetic people and your pain will soon go away. Take care, my dear!
Sadly you had bad sciatic nerve, That sciatic nerve pain does not sound like fun. Hope your pain has already gone away
Hope that you’ll get well soon. I don’t know if just me or not who find it difficult to stop drinking coffee. It will take a long time to say goodbye to it, I guess.
18 miler !!! 🙂 it is great! Good luck for a running week. Come on!!! you can do everything
I used to be like you. 🙂 To prevent sciatica, I learned how to use my body properly. I couldn’t believe that for so many years I had no idea how to bend, lift, sit or even stand properly. In a lot of ways my slipped disc became a blessing in disguise.
You don’t understand how better I feel when sharing with you
abandoning our habit is difficult, however in other that we can towards somethings which healthier and better for ourselves, it is right thing to do. and you showed me that we can totally do that. thanks!
I can imagine that you are such a kool mom. Hope you can get through the pain soon and have good health. The question at the end of the article is really interesting. The good advice for running I received is that a well prepared diet and listening to your body are so necessary. Wait to read your sharing about that.
It was a big challenge for me giving up on coffee. I’m planning on having vegetarian diets again and switch to the mineral water instead of coffee. Gerolsteiner sounds like a wonderful recommendation (a lot of my friends suggest it too). Sorry about the sciatic nerve issue, get well soon my friend!
Sorry about your nerve pain! I think you will feel better soon. I completed my training plan last week with almost all my set goals. I love the photo of greenery view along the trail. It looks great to run! Thanks for sharing!