Before we get to the Glo Run, here’s how week 3 of Indy Monumental Marathon training went:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Track Pace Ladder
Wednesday: Strength & Swim
Thursday: 7 miles Nope, couldn’t get up so swim
Friday: 7 miles take 2
Saturday: Glo Run 5k, cancelled
Sunday: Run 15 miles
It was kind of a cram-it-all-in kind of week. I feel like we’re barreling toward back-to-school and as a result, the week was dominated by kids’ activities:
- Thing 1 wrapped up track camp (in blazing heat as usual)
- Thing 2 started the second summer session of gymnastics
- Took the squad to Six Flags
- Spent a day at the trampoline place
- Saw The Secret Life of Pets (fun!)
- Plenty of pool time
- Hosted a party for both kids’ birthdays
Throw in the extreme heat and some marathon training and stick a fork in me. So done.
Mother & Daughter ready to get our glow on…or so we thought.
About that Glo-Run. It was scheduled for Saturday night at 9:15. We had a party for the kids’ birthdays. After that wound down, Thing 1 and I suited up in our glowy best, picked up some of her friends and headed to Hoffman Estates for the race. For the record, it was blazing hot that day with 87% humidity. Oh and a raging thunderstorm came through with more expected.
As we headed to the race, the skies to the West were ominously black. We made it to the race parking garage by 8:30 and still needed to get our packets. The storms were already whipping up and it was raining hard with SO much lightning. When I asked a volunteer where packet pickup was, he told me it was about 2 blocks down and said the race would be delayed due to weather. After assessing the situation, I decided not to chance running the couple blocks to packet pickup in the storm (a race shirt and some glow sticks are not worth risking a life) and we headed back to the car. The radar showed a long string of severe storms so we got out of dodge. Heading home I honestly had never seen so much lightning in my life. Turns out the race was “delayed” until 10pm. At 10:30 it was cancelled completely. Disappointing yes, but absolutely the right call. There’s no way anyone should run in rain and lightning like that, at night no less.
This week’s Faves
Drink: LemonAID Herbal Spice Tea, inspired by the holistic teachings of Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. Each bottle contains a refreshing blend of 12 herbs, fruits and spices. It’s gluten, salt and artificial-color free. I found it to be very exotic tasting as well as refreshing. I especially love that it has turmeric in it for its anti-inflammatory properties. Get some for yourself here.
Treat: Smores. Especially when I add a few of these Honey-Roasted Pecans from NOW Foods to them. So freaking tasty. If pecans on s’mores are wrong, I don’t wanna be right. Rest assured these delicious pecans will be a travel snack when I head to Dublin in 10 days. EEEeeeek!
Way to drive the kids nuts: Rock the Sia filter on SnapChat. Better yet make a lip sync Sia video. Clearly the heat is getting to me.
Whats fun for you this week? Have you ever had a race be cancelled? Sia: Yay or nay?
This week’s Tuesdays on the Run topic is “Summer Scenes from My Run.” Stop by and share yours!
This Friday and the last Friday of every month is Runfession Friday, the linkup where you share your run-, gym-swim- and any ‘fessions to cleanse your sweaty soul. Join us!
Glow Run cancelled? Well….that’s probably a good thing, considering the weather, but disappointing. Are both of your kids’ birthdays this month? My two older kids both are July babies (on the 5th and 16th)….yes,indeed! Two pregnancies with hot & humid births 😉
Kim one birthday is 6/25 and the other is 7/28 so I kept it to a single party this year. Yes, hot, humid summer babies!
Oh that stinks about the race being cancelled but like you said definitely the right call. Will the re schedule or give refunds?
I wish we would get a thunderstorm here. We are in a heat advisory and no doubt a drought!
Meranda they mentioned on social media they’d be “transferring” our registration to another race. Thankfully this group does a whole series. Doubt it’ll be a Glo-Run though.
I’ve only done one glo run. I was an August race and so, so sweaty. At least you’ll get another race for compensation. I had to Google Sia (#noshame). At first glance, I thought you were Cruella Deville. Hey, anything to embarrass the kids is A-OK! Your trip to Dublin is in 10 days? Wow. You will have so much fun. Thanks for linking, Marcia.
Too bad you actually had to drive out there & it was canceled, but definitely better safe than sorry. I actually don’t think I’ve ever had a race canceled . . . . not yet. And I soooooo want to see the secret life of pets!
The highlights of my week were ice cream, running with my group(sort of), and meeting with some rescue people.Kind of sad, but that’s my life at the moment.
I’ve never had a race cancelled, but I have had moderations with some things. The pumpkin spice run last November was supposed to have “spice” options on the course, like a color run, with pumpkin colored corn starch, but it was SO windy. They could only manage one, but I had opted not to do them anyway.
LOVE you as Sia!!!!!
Awwww, you were looking Mom and daughter getting ready to glow!!
I have twice tried to run a Glow run and both were cancelled due to storms and high wind.
My hubby and I actually started one last year just for fun and it started half way through and we had to bolt to the car, so no more summer Glow runs for me! They need to plan this stuff in fall or winter here.
Nice week training! 15 is getting real 🙂
Bummer that the race was cancelled but I completely understand. It was horrible with the lightning and rain. And then we got a repeat on Sunday night.
Those pecans look good! Where do you get them? I found them on Amazon for $13 or an 8oz bag but that is expensive.
Oh wow! you had a super busy week! Six Flags, birthday parties! Movies!
I’m sorry to hear the Glo Run got cancelled! But it was the right call! I hope you get to do another run with your daughter!
Yums!! I love Pecans!!
OMG – pecans on smores? HELLO, where has my life been all of this time!! Must try now!!!
Bummer that the glo run got cancelled, but yes, it was absolutely the right decision. I was in the car driving home on Saturday night when some of the epic storms came through, and it was very tough going. I can’t imagine trying to run in those conditions.
LOL at the Sia filter on Snapchat!!!
The weather around here has been so crazy! Glad you decided to play it safe and head back in. We had trees, roots and all, fall over in our neighborhood last night and I saw some crazies running around with their cameras lol
I’m not surprised they cancelled the Glo Run but that late? What happened with the rest of the races?
Love those snapchat filters! I haven’t taken the plunge yet, but you know I love me some silly internet stuff…
Sounds like canceling that Glow Run was the right call. I once had a race canceled due to blizzard conditions…that’s what I get for picking a February race in New England ;0
Your photo with the Sia filter cracked me up! I’m clueless about Snapchat – I have an account but no idea what to do with it.
Thats too bad that the weather got in the way of your race! Sounds like a busy week, so nice job getting in what you could!
Bummer on the Glo Run but absolutely the right call. Those pecans look amazing! I’d eat the whole bag while waiting in the TSA line. 😉
Sorry to hear about thunderstorms and the race being cancelled. Sounds like a decent week of training! Wow, Dublin in 10 days! I’m excited for you!!
July is a great month to have a birthday! Mines the 28th and we will be in Six Flags this week (GA) too on our way to Myrtle Beach! I haven’t been in ages so looking forward to it!
Well dang I hate the Glo run didn’t work out but I’m with you I do not like to be out in lightning period so great call for the organizers!
um, do i know who Sia is?? i feel so out of the know! I don’t think i’ve had a race cancelled, but glad y’all didn’t wait around on it!
To bad your race cancelled! They are a fun family night but dang, lightning is not worth it!