Can you believe May is almost behind us? That means its time for another edition of Runfessions. Feel free to share your deepest, sweatiest secrets and link them up right here. Ready?
I haven’t been on the scale in I don’t know how long.
I have nightmares that my wetsuit will not fit. And yet I don’t bother to try it on.
When I scrambled into my wetsuit at my tri last year (remember when I had my leg in the arm?) I put a big fingernail puncture in it. After the tri, I noticed some stitching was coming loose inside. The shop where I got it said TYR would take care of that. And they did. They repaired it. But I was hoping they’d replace the whole darn suit and I wouldn’t have a freaking tear anymore. #nosuchluck
I still don’t know how to use my new Garmin….all the way. People friend me on Garmin Connect and I never share anything…cuz I don’t know how…and I kind of don’t wanna know how.
After the “miracle in the pool” a couple of weeks ago I got superstitious. I thought maybe I was able to swim so (relatively) well because my suit was “magic”. So I’ve been afraid to wear a different suit. Superstitious much?
I’m not much of a mileage tracker and I’m really spotty about entering workouts on Daily Mile. However when I get the weekly email and it says merely “here’s your training” vs “gnarly” or “impressive” training, I get a little miffed.
Now that I’m buckling down (sort of) with tri workouts, I spend my fair share of time on the bike (kind of). Forgive me father for not minding my own business (again). Yes the spin studio gets hot. Yes we get sweaty. I get that the towels are smallish (hand towel size). But do you really need 27 of them for the hour?? Yes I counted.
Phew! I feel better already. Now tell me: What Runfessions have you to share?
I don’t have a wetsuit, but I do always fear the first time I try on the clothes of the new season — like the shorts I’ll be wearing this weekend. WTF is she doing with all those towels???
27 towels????? Kind of overkill. Geesh…I just realized a major typo with my link “title”….is there a way to edit it ? LOL Maybe no one else will notice (unless they read this comment…). I would be scared of a wetsuit…but then again, I’m kind of afraid of the whole water aspect of a tri (not the actual water, but all the arms & legs getting in my way and knocking me silly…).
I used to use Daily Mile a lot but then kind of got over it. It was really nice though, and I “met” a lot of people on there that were really encouraging and supportive. But I got spotty too and then just kind of gave up. I don’t get emails from them anymore. I guess I’m a Daily Mile loser.
Runfession? I did not run this week. Not a single mile. I blame it on yoga teacher training ๐
Those daily mile emails used to bother me too! Like don’t they know its a cut- back week?! I don’t use daily mile anymore because when I got my new Garmin 3 years ago I never figured out how to sync my runs. Now I just use Garmin connect, but I don’t have any “friends” on there!
So if you have a hole in your wetsuit, does that make you less buoyant? :p
And yes to the superstitions. I have some lucky clothes (and some not so lucky clothes)!
I find wetsuits a little intimidating. We had to wear them in the Galapagos and always wore something underneath since they were borrowed. That girl looks ridiculous in the gym with all those towels but honestly, there is alot of behavior at the gym that makes me shake my head.
I probably only know how to do 3% of what my Garmin does!
What in the world is she doing with 27 towels?!? Geez my gym will only give one towel out per person and they act like they’re giving you their first born! Cracks me up that you count them ๐
I got a new Garmin a few months ago and still don’t know how to use it either. All I know is I go out to run and turn it on and then when I’m done I hit save. I get emails that people want to connect with me, but I just ignore them. lol Maybe when I have time to sit down and figure it all out I will, but until then I’m fine with not knowing. Why did that woman need 27 towels?! That’s ridiculous! But it is really funny that you counted!
27 towels?! 27? And here I am feeling guilty if I take two ha. Hope you have a great weekend!
Wow, 27 towels!? When I was in college, I worked at the gym and had the unpleasant job of washing and folding all the towels. Needless to say, I would NOT have been impressed with one person using 27 towels! That’s crazy!
What gives with the towel hogger? There’s even one under her feet. You keep wearing your magic suit, Sista! Enjoy your holiday weekend and thanks for the link!
I have no clue how to use most of the technology that I have. Thus why I’ve never really advanced past the regular garmin functions. Even when I had a fancier Garmin, I still just kind of let it be.
I bet your Tri suit will fit just fine ๐
I have people trying to friend me on GC all there time, but i stick to the few folks I actually already have a connection with. I can hardly keep up with social media now lol
I have been so bad about tracking my miles in 2016. I was OBSESSED with it in 2015 and now, I could care less!
I just ordered a wetsuit which should be delivered today. I am a little nervous about trying it on. I do not understand the 27 towels. That is beyond ridiculous. i haven’t used daily mile in forever, I used to like seeing all the stats and connect with others but I can’t say I miss it right now.
Um. You should definitely try on your suit. Haha. But that’s totally something I would do.
I’m actually thinking about leaving DailyMile because I haven’t logged in so long. I also don’t know how to use my Garmin all the way and I’m honestly okay with that. I have the Forerunner 15 so it’s nothing fancy. I figure once I upgrade I’ll get down and dirty with the technology. ๐
Have a great weekend!
You are so brave! A Tri sounds more daunting than a marathon.
I still have a Garmin 205 and I don’t use any of the features!!
OMG too funny. Why so many towels ? I get superstitious about things too and often wear the same socks or the same shirt.
Wow, 27? Aren’t there some exercising children in Africa that need towels, LOL?
The scale has not been kind to me lately. Just a few pounds, but being so short, even just a few pounds makes my clothes tighter.
I only have like one friend on garminconnect & frankly I rarely ever look at what she’s doing!
LMAO at 27 towels!! I do get sweaty during spin but that is just ridiculous! They may be a little OCD, lol.
That’s good that you were able to get your wetsuit repaired! Hoping the triathlon training goes well for you! I’d probably do the same thing wearing wearing the same swimsuit because I get a little superstitious sometimes!