This week’s Tuesdays on the Run topic is Dreams. You know, the ones you have at night about running or a big race. Maybe you overslept and got to the starting line late or forgot something crucial, like oh I don’t know, your shoes or race bib. This is the time to tell us about yours!
Me? I don’t stress much about races anymore but I have had a few, um, memorable race dreams. According to my mom, having a bad dream is the mind’s way of getting the bad out of the way and making way for all the goodness. Let’s go with that.
In one running dream, I was heading to a race, except I couldn’t seem to get there. Traffic was bad. Very bad. So bad, in fact, that I couldn’t seem to get dressed and sat in traffic in my pjs with my racing stuff balled up in a crumpled bag from the GAP. Finally I gave up on the race and drove to work instead. I got to my office and began working in my pjs, with my running stuff under my desk, still in the GAP bag. When lunchtime rolled around, I still hadn’t gotten dressed and my supervisor came around to ask if getting dressed was on my to-do list. Aaaaand that’s a wrap.
Now it’s your turn: Weird running/racing dream? Anybody wanna interpret mine?
LOL! I so rarely remember my dreams; occasionally I do, but usually by the time I get up I’ve forgotten it.
When I do remember them, they’re always quite odd. I used to suffer a bit with night terrors when I was younger; on one memorable occasion throwing myself out of bed (without waking my husband!), but I guess I’ve gotten more secure as I’ve gotten older & I don’t seem to have those sorts of dreams anymore. Thank God!
The last weird running dream I had was in Florida…I wrote about it back in March! But it re-reading it made me laugh, so I linked it up.
It’s funny, I don’t usually have running dreams. Now, if we want to talk about dreams where I go back to my old high school/barn/etc, then we are in business!
I have a difficult time sleeping the night before a big race…and it’s usually not because of my fear of the race itself, but fear that I’ll oversleep (or the alarm won’t work) or I’ll get to the race late. So, I tend to have a lot of dreams of that nature…..getting lost in traffic, no parking spaces, forgotten race gear, wrong shoes, etc. Haven’t (yet) dreamed of running naked in public, though LOL (knocking LOUDLY on wood) ๐
Like you, I don’t have a lot of pre-race dreams. But I do have a big race coming up this weekend and it’s playing with my head a little. So this topic is definitely timely! Sweet dreams!
I have race anxiety dreams ALL the time! Most of them involve me not making it to the race to even start, haha!
I often dream that I am trying to get to a race, but everything is going wrong and I can’t get there. I also dream that I am trying to run but I can barely move my legs and end up crawling. I wonder if all runners have the same types of dreams!?
Haha, great dream. I actually just had one last night. My doc was examining my leg and I was told no more running but that I could cross train. Sadly this wasn’t too far fetched because it’s what’s actually happening…
I wish I could work in my PJs. But then I wouldn’t get dressed all day. I hope your mom’s right and that it’s all about the mind getting the bad vibes out. Since I haven’t raced in 3 years, I wonder if I’ll get one this spring.
funny! I usually have scary dreams…you know I wake up nervous and sweaty lol the only running dream I recall I was flying like a gazelle ๐ My running is way faster in my dreams.
I love the way your mom explains away stressful dreams – that is such a great way to look at it!
I usually only remember bad dreams, one of which I just had 2 nights ago, LOL!! I do often envision myself crossing the finish line at least a week or two before a full marathon.
Odd! My worst dream was in triathlon. I was SO scared of doing the Chicago Triathlon, that big bad race! I signed up for it as my first olympic distance event, after a few sprints. I was scared of the bike course, which is slightly different than most as you ride (then) on the left, pass on the right. I was so afraid that I’d end up in a bike crash, and even had nightmares of my brain splattered on Lakeshore Drive!
I like that your boss is so casual about you wearing PJs to work in your dreams. ๐
I always have race nightmares as I call them-my most popular seems to be getting the race but being able to find a corral to enter
LOL ! I rarely dream and have not had racing dreams at all… but ask me again as my marathon gets closer !
I dreamed I ran a marathon………Bahahaha, oh wait I wasn’t dreaming!!!! I’m still trying to let it all sink in. ๐
I have all kinds of dreams about arriving late for races! I also can’t seem to run in my dreams, my legs feel like they are moving through sand.
I don’t usually have running dreams, but I have work nightmares all the time. Like the side of the building falls off and I have to try and teach through it.
That’s hilarious! I can’t remember one specifically about the race but I often have those dreams where I’m trying to do something and it just takes me forever and I am never able to accomplish the task I’m setting out to do in the dream. Although I would like to go to work in my PJs today!
Hahaha, that is funny. The mind is such a weird thing! It’s crazy how crazy dreams can be! I don’t typically remember my dreams!
I would totally love going to work in PJS although scrubs is not a bad alternative either:) I have def had race dreams where I dream that I sleep though the race and wake up in a panic and its like 2 AM…but it happens before almost every race!
I’ve had my fair share of weird racing dreams in my time. The worst was one night before a race when I woke up three times from dreams where something was about to ruin my race. I’d forgotten shoes. I’d forgotten a bra. And I was on the toilet when the gun went off. Best for it to happen in dreams rather than in reality.