This was my second time running the 10 Nautical Mile (11.5 miles) Fort2Base race that goes from Fort Sheridan Army Base to the Great Lakes Naval Base. I was lucky enough to win a free entry from Valerie over at The Style Files.
Here in the Chicago area we’ve been sweltering in a “ring of fire” weather pattern all week. Race morning brought more of the same: 75 degrees and climbing by 5am with 87% humidity.
Because I’m clearly nuts, I mean dedicated (and I had 16 miles on the plan) I milled an additional 5 miles before the race…yes at 3am. By 5:30 I’d parked and boarded the shuttle to the start without incident. It was breezy and overcast and I prayed it would stay that way. But the sun made it’s appearance in mile 2.
We looped around the base then headed out to a path for the trek North. The path was wet, even though it hadn’t rained recently. Holy humidity Batman. Partial shade was little consolation because the steam was killer. This was a training pace run for me, nothing more. Not that I had anything more in me in these conditions. A flock of ladies passed wearing star-spangled bun huggers. I soldiered on, wondering how long before the walk monkey climbed on my back.
Just shy of mile 4, a bun hugger lady was down on the side of the path, overcome by heat. Already. Yikes. I swigged watermelon Nuun, which I’d purchased at the Chicago Tri Expo the day before (thumbs up on the watermelon) and caught up to a purple-haired girl. I started allowing myself a walk break every mile. By mile 8 that became every half mile. Purple hair stayed with me and one of the bun-hugger girls joined us as well. We took our walk breaks at different times and passed each other over and over.
I could tell that my body was working so hard to cool itself, my fuel/hydration was not being digested. I skipped the second half of a lemonade Roctane I’d saved. We entered the naval base, but having run this before, I knew there were 3 more miles….and a mongo hill.
We’d lost bun hugger but purple hair and I plodded on. I was sure I’d be out here well over 2 hours at this point. I had every intention of walking up Cardiac Crest…wait no, it’s Hero Hill, but it’s so steep I think Cardiac Crest is more fitting….but naval officers station themselves on the hill and one of them was intent on getting me to run with him. He was ever so handsome and encouraging….although he turned down my request for a scooter, or a wagon or a piggy back ride….jerk.
Purple hair and I struggled through the final mile and ran it in to the finish together where we received giant medals from naval officers in dress whites. It became my mission in life not to barf on his shoes.

As I laid there some guy came up and said “Do you want me to massage your IT bands?” Um…that got me up and beelining for the shuttle!
My old favorite medal was from this very race, but I think they’ve outdone themselves with this one. Army star on one side and navy anchor on the other. Highest compliments to the Chief Bling Officer!
Final Words: This is such a well-done race. This year the orange race shirt represents the Coastguard. How cool is that?
The after-party was amazing and the parking/traffic issues that they had in the first year have all been addressed. The shuttles worked perfectly, I had excellent parking and plenty of time at the start line. I’d sign up for Fort2Base every year IF it didn’t take place in hot August. If I’m nit-picking, I’d have loved to see some ice on the course to stuff in my bra and under my hat because it was brutal out there. Finish time: 1:56.
What was fun for you this weekend? Congrats to all of my IMLou friends! Final days to enter my giveaway!
I was thinking of you – great job getting it done in this sauna we’ve got rocking out there!
Um 5 miles BEFORE the race at 3am? Yep, certifiable 😉 Way to get that one done. The misery of the heat is being felt down here for sure.
Wow! Great job with this race and those conditions…I am sure I would have melted by mile 2! Awesome bling as well- if I ever make it out to Chicago in August I would consider running this race!
Great job finishing. Your recap is hilarious! I guess all you can do is laugh in such ridiculous conditions, right? And do you think that guy really wanted to massage your IT bands? Or was it a pick up line? LOL for real! Great post, Marcia!
I loved this race recap! I somehow have it I my head that more experienced runners can consistently run7-8-9 &10min miles regardless of the conditions. It’s nice to hear that it’s normal to want to die in the Midwest heat/humidity.
Okay, weird that a random guy would ask to run your IT bands. Kind of creepy.
I do love your race reports! Bun hugger girl…
Ugh, racing is so not fun in humidity like that. I’m glad you were able to plug on through it and enjoy it, regardless. And about that IT band guy…
Your race reports always make me smile. Glad you had purple hair to keep you company – the conditions sound just brutal. Congrats on making it through! Uber creepy about the IT band guy…yikes!
What a cool medal! 🙂 I did this race the first year when it was in Sept and am super bummed it’s in August. The weather is just to dicey! Way to push through the humidity! It was such a tough week!
You ran at 3am??? You are so hard core! Congrats on a successful – and HOT – race! Way to hang in there!
Well done!! I’m impressed you even got extra miles in and you survived the heat! You weren’t going down like a bun hugger! Congratulations!! –Lisa
Wow – you rock!! I can’t believe that officer nixed the piggy back – rude!!!
Hope you are fully recovered today!
Sounds like hideous race conditions. You are truly hard-core to have done it – and more. And I love the medal. Can’t beat giant bling.
3 am for a treadmill run before a race? That’s hard core! Running in these temps let alone racing is brutal.
Asking if you want an IT band massage is definitely creepy.
Marcia- That is way impressive! You rocked it with not only your time, but your resolve to be in it & run before hand! Way to go lady!
So darn impressed & thanks for making me giggle while I wait for the sun to rise so I can run in the humidity :).
This weather has been brutal. I feel sorry for my kids, back in school with no AC…
I’d prolly let some random man massage my IT bands after a tough race. And the bling looks awesome!
That sounds brutal. Good for you for finishing and in under your maybe two hours time. Love the medal. I didn’t know how long a nautical mile was!
The heat is such a killer – ugh! But way to get through it, Marcia! Congrats, and I dig the bling, too!
um, your recap is exactly why I didn’t run the inaugural hotlanta half this past weekend!! IF fall doesn’t get here soon, i might melt. Seriously, major props and dedication for such an early 3 miles and then pushing through!! Sold training run! and awesome bling!