Home stretch kids! Week 11 of the One Small Change Challenge is here. How’s it been going so far? Link up below and tell us. Here’s what I’ve been up to:
- Keep kitchen counters clutter free
- Drink at least 64 oz water daily
- Do a 2 minute daily plank sequence
- Drink warm water with lemon every morning**
- Plan meals
- Get out for a 10-minute or longer decompression walk on non-running days
- Do at least 2 burpees daily
- Gratefulness
- Hold
- Pay-It-Forward: This is a fun one. Here are some of the things I did this week and I’ve got more up my sleeve:
- Tuesday: Brought lunch over to a neighbor with a terminally ill son
- Wednesday: Sent treats to the teachers at school
- Thursday: Helped a mom at school carry boxes in from her car
- Friday: Rang the Salvation Army bell with our Brownie Troop
- Saturday: Bought coffee for the next person in line at the Buck of Star
- Sunday: Played ding dong ditch leaving holiday cookies at doorsteps around the neighborhood
- Monday: Remember the closet purge I mentioned yesterday in runfessions? I donated clothes and linens to a local shelter for victims of domestic abuse and spent part of the day volunteering there.
This week I’m turning my focus inward. You may know I’m a bit of, ok a huge procrastinator. Like many of you, I tend take care of others before I take care of myself. My change this week is I will get on top of those little self-care things that add up. Like a haircut. It’s been more than a freaking year. A mammogram. If I want to have the running year I hope to next year I NEED to get regular massages. No more of the twice a decade plan. I’ll be chipping away at self-care stuff like that.
How about you? What one small change will you make this week?
I love the pay it forward stuff. When I was at Dunkin Donuts last week, the person in line in front of me paid for my coffee. Now it’s my turn.
I just did myself a HUGE favor and got a massage yesterday. I never ever indulge in them. And as a runner, I know that it’s really not so much an indulgence as a necessity. Love the pay-it-forwards!
So great, Marcia! You have been busy! I’m with you on the haircut thing – I always put it off and put it off and then end up having to trim it myself before an event. So lame.
I get a weekly massage. It truly makes a difference and has really kept me injury-free (knock wood) through my years of high mileage. It also gives me something to look forward to each week, and since I don’t get mani/pedis (no point with my ugly feet) or regular haircuts (see above), I don’t feel guilty about it. I consider it “medicinal” 🙂
I do the regular hair cut thing (every 4 weeks) but that is pretty necessary with short hair – plus I love my hair dresser!!!
I’m still trying to find ways to pay it forward – I’m going to try and carry this one into the new year!!! Last week we had a smoker that we sold on Craig’s List. When we found out that the lady buying it was going to give it to her boyfriend for Christmas, we cut the agreed on price in half.
I’m right there with you on the haircut thing! It’s been since February for me. I definitely need to do some things for me, other than just swim/bike/run.
Yay! I am so excited. I love Thorlo socks. Thank you!!
Does finishing the Christmas shopping count as a change because that’s my sole focus now I’ve finished work.
I found a great way of making sure that I had regular massages. I just booked my next one when I was leaving the last. This way there was no reason to procrastinate about making the call.
Happy Birthday for yesterday – which means it’s probably still your birthday ATM.
Gosh I need a haircut too! And the gal that normally cuts mine is off cause she just had a baby… do I have to wait a whole year? I am scared to try someone new.
Nice post today… love the acts of kindness you are doing and sounds like you are having fun with it too. Win win.
I love the taking care of you – YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the things that you did to pay it forward! All are awesome!
I need to get a massage. Would it be weird to have someone just massage my glutes? They hurt. 🙂
Love the idea of paying it forward!! And yes, taking time out to take care of yourself is critical – Self care is a good thing!