Can you believe we’re starting week 6 already? Neither can I! Time is flying, its SNOWING here in Chicago and the holidays are racing toward us! I know its a stressful time of year, but it’s SO important to, as Carla says, put on your oxygen mask first, before you take care of everybody and everything else.
Here are the changes I’ve made so far:
1. Keep kitchen counters clutter free
2. Drink at least 64 oz. water every day
3. Do a 2 minute daily plank sequence
4. Drink warm water with lemon every morning
5. Plan meals
Meal planning went well, probably because I sat down and did it for the rest of the year. Of course there have already been minor tweaks, but it’s SO much easier to not have that hanging over my head. Shopping is easier and a major source of stress has been removed.
But it hasn’t been all unicorns and rainbows. Despite a new and improved diet, I’ve been having a stomach acid problem. All. Flipping. Day. I changed up my foods, supplements with no improvement. Finally I put 2 and 2 together. I tried skipping the morning lemon water and instantly the problem was gone. As much as I wanted to keep the lemon water in my routine, for now I’ve removed it. Maybe I’ll try a more diluted version.
Heading into week 6:
My goal is to get out for a 10-minute walk on days I’m not already running outside. As holiday stress heats up, there’s no time like the present to commit to a parcel of ‘decompression’ time. I’m hoping a 10-minute or longer walk outside will help me catch my breath and reconnect with nature.
Your turn: How has One Small Change been going for you? What (if any) change did you make this week? Remember its perfectly fine to stick with the change(s) you’ve made so far if you don’t feel ready to move on. Also if you’re just joining us, welcome! It’s never too late to make One Small Change! Blog about it anytime this week and link up below. At the end of this month a second random winner will be chosen from those who link up.
Good to pay attention to yourself and figure out the lemon was causing problems for you.
And very nice going on the meal planning for the next several weeks,
Great idea to do the meal planning more long term – maybe I will spend some time today working on that since I’m sitting around like a lump!
I do love this week’s change – even on the cold days I could probably handle 10 minutes outside and I know the fresh air would be good for my mental health!
Glad you figured out the problem with the lemon water. I need to work on menu planning. Cooking and shopping are always a source of stress for me.
Love the “one small change” concept, Marcia! Definitely works for me, and I am always amazed by it (I’m a little slow sometimes 🙂
Hope you get that stomach acid thing figured out! No fun at all!!
I am trying to clean up my eating. It is SO hard. Not a small change at all..haha. So I guess I am cutting back on grains and starches.
I think going for a walk on days you aren’t running is a great idea. As things get busy we all need some decompression time!
I’m glad you sorted out the reason for your indigestion. It can be so uncomfortable to have to deal with the constant stomach pain. I recently had to go to the Dr about having it for well over a month and it turns out that I’ve developed an ulcer from having to take ibuprofen for my period pain. Gah! It’s so much better now I’m on treatment.
Menu planning for the year, I am in awe. I was impressed when I did 2 weeks at a time (with no repeats!) going for the third week with no repeats..
The 10 minute walk is an excellent idea. A walk alone is the perfect way to gather thoughts and decompress. I’m going to remember that one.
I used to have hot water with lemon each AM, and I am not sure if it made a huge difference, but something always made me feel better about it. It’s a bummer that it caused some issues, but at least you know!
Love some of your ideas of small changes! I often drink hot water and lemon and/or apple cider vinegar, but some mornings I’m just too lazy to make it! I’m very intrigued that it caused you problems. I’ve read many articles that it alleviates those sorts of issues. Glad you were able to figure it out and resolve it!
I’m glad you figured out the lemon water was causing the problem! And I’m so impressed you could meal plan that far out – I really should make that one of my small changes!!